My solutions for the extracurricular java course at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb.
Simple introductory problems
- Custom collections: array indexed collection, linked list indexed collection, stack
- ComplexNumber class
Lexer and parser implementation for a custom scripting language SmartScript
Custom hashtable implementation using linked lists to resolve collisions
- Program that generates lindermayer system fractals
- Simple database emulator: program for executing database queries
- Program for encrypting and decrypting files
- Simple command-line interpreter called MyShell that provides a command-line user interface for executing basic file operations
- Multithreading program that generates fractals (from user entered complex number roots) based on the newton-raphson iteration
- Raycaster that renders spheres using the Phong's coloring model. The scene is rendered using multithreading.
- Calculator GUI program created with a custom LayoutManager with a built in stack, support for basic operations as well some scientific operations and their inverse
- Program which generates and displays a bar-chart using Graphics2D based on a configuration defined in a txt file
Simple notepad++ like text editor implementation using swing, it supports multiple tabs, basic actions for editing documents and localization(English, German and Croatian)
- Multithreaded Http server implementation
- SmartScript engine that executes a Document tree generated by the SmartScript parser developed in homework 3. This engine is built into the server so it can execute SmartScript files (.smscr) which are used for dynamic html generation.
- Voting web-app implementation using servlets and jsp
- Dynamic generation of an excel file containing voting results
- Dynamic generation of a pie-chart containing voting results
- Added JDBC database support to the voting web-app
- Simple blog web-app with registration, login, adding/removing/editing/commenting blog entries
- JPA Hibernate for handling database operations