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Replace shortest_paths.hpp with dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp
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New implementation includes a visitor.
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pratzl committed Aug 15, 2024
1 parent 55b0771 commit f17df9c
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Showing 4 changed files with 391 additions and 370 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion example/CppCon2021/examples/ospf.cpp
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#include <list>

//#include "dijkstra.hpp"
#include "graph/algorithm/shortest_paths.hpp"
#include "graph/algorithm/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp"
#include "ospf-graph.hpp"
#include "utilities.hpp"

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360 changes: 360 additions & 0 deletions include/graph/algorithm/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
* @file dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp
* @brief Single-Source Shortest paths and shortest distances algorithms using Dijkstra's algorithm.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2024
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
* @authors
* Andrew Lumsdaine
* Phil Ratzloff

#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <ranges>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "graph/graph.hpp"
#include "graph/views/incidence.hpp"



namespace std::graph {

template <class G, class WF, class DistanceValue, class Compare, class Combine> // For exposition only
concept basic_edge_weight_function = // e.g. weight(uv)
is_arithmetic_v<DistanceValue> && strict_weak_order<Compare, DistanceValue, DistanceValue> &&
invoke_result_t<Combine, DistanceValue, invoke_result_t<WF, edge_reference_t<G>>>>;

template <class G, class WF, class DistanceValue> // For exposition only
concept edge_weight_function = // e.g. weight(uv)
is_arithmetic_v<invoke_result_t<WF, edge_reference_t<G>>> &&
basic_edge_weight_function<G, WF, DistanceValue, less<DistanceValue>, plus<DistanceValue>>;

template <adjacency_list G>
class dijkstra_visitor_base {
// Types
using graph_type = G;
using vertex_desc_type = vertex_descriptor<vertex_id_t<G>, vertex_reference_t<G>, void>;
using sourced_edge_desc_type = edge_descriptor<vertex_id_t<G>, true, edge_reference_t<G>, void>;

// Visitor Functions
// vertex visitor functions
constexpr void on_initialize_vertex(vertex_desc_type&& vdesc) {}
constexpr void on_discover_vertex(vertex_desc_type&& vdesc) {}
constexpr void on_examine_vertex(vertex_desc_type&& vdesc) {}
constexpr void on_finish_vertex(vertex_desc_type&& vdesc) {}

// edge visitor functions
constexpr void on_examine_edge(sourced_edge_desc_type&& edesc) {}
constexpr void on_edge_relaxed(sourced_edge_desc_type&& edesc) {}
constexpr void on_edge_not_relaxed(sourced_edge_desc_type&& edesc) {}

template <class G, class Visitor>
concept dijkstra_visitor = //is_arithmetic<typename Visitor::distance_type> &&
requires(Visitor& v, Visitor::vertex_desc_type& vdesc, Visitor::sourced_edge_desc_type& edesc) {
//typename Visitor::distance_type;

{ v.on_initialize_vertex(vdesc) };
{ v.on_discover_vertex(vdesc) };
{ v.on_examine_vertex(vdesc) };
{ v.on_finish_vertex(vdesc) };

{ v.on_examine_edge(edesc) };
{ v.on_edge_relaxed(edesc) };
{ v.on_edge_not_relaxed(edesc) };

* @ingroup graph_algorithms
* @brief Returns a value to define an invalid distance used to initialize distance values
* in the distance range before one of the shorts paths functions.
* @tparam DistanceValue The type of the distance.
* @return A unique sentinal value to indicate that a value is invalid, or undefined.
template <class DistanceValue>
constexpr auto shortest_path_invalid_distance() {
return numeric_limits<DistanceValue>::max();

* @ingroup graph_algorithms
* @brief Returns a distance value of zero.
* @tparam DistanceValue The type of the distance.
* @return A value of zero distance.
template <class DistanceValue>
constexpr auto shortest_path_zero() {
return DistanceValue();

* @ingroup graph_algorithms
* @brief Intializes the distance values to shortest_path_invalid_distance().
* @tparam Distances The range type of the distances.
* @param distances The range of distance values to initialize.
template <class Distances>
constexpr void init_shortest_paths(Distances& distances) {
ranges::fill(distances, shortest_path_invalid_distance<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>());

* @ingroup graph_algorithms
* @brief Intializes the distance and predecessor values for shortest paths algorithms.
* @tparam Distances The range type of the distances.
* @tparam Predecessors The range type of the predecessors.
* @param distances The range of distance values to initialize.
* @param predecessors The range of predecessors to initialize.
template <class Distances, class Predecessors>
constexpr void init_shortest_paths(Distances& distances, Predecessors& predecessors) {

using pred_t = ranges::range_value_t<Predecessors>;
pred_t i = pred_t();
for (auto& pred : predecessors)
pred = i++;

* @brief An always-empty random_access_range.
* A unique range type that can be used at compile time to determine if predecessors need to
* be evaluated.
* This is not in the P1709 proposal. It's a quick hack to allow us to implement quickly.
class _null_range_type : public std::vector<size_t> {
using T = size_t;
using Allocator = std::allocator<T>;
using Base = std::vector<T, Allocator>;

_null_range_type() noexcept(noexcept(Allocator())) = default;
explicit _null_range_type(const Allocator& alloc) noexcept {}
_null_range_type(Base::size_type count, const T& value, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) {}
explicit _null_range_type(Base::size_type count, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) {}
template <class InputIt>
_null_range_type(InputIt first, InputIt last, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) {}
_null_range_type(const _null_range_type& other) : Base() {}
_null_range_type(const _null_range_type& other, const Allocator& alloc) {}
_null_range_type(_null_range_type&& other) noexcept {}
_null_range_type(_null_range_type&& other, const Allocator& alloc) {}
_null_range_type(std::initializer_list<T> init, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) {}

inline static _null_range_type _null_predecessors;

* @brief Dijkstra's single-source shortest paths algorithm with a visitor.
* The implementation was taken from boost::graph dijkstra_shortes_paths_no_init.
* Pre-conditions:
* - predecessors has been initialized with init_shortest_paths().
* - distances has been initialized with init_shortest_paths().
* - The weight function must return a value that can be compared (e.g. <) with the Distance
* type and combined (e.g. +) with the Distance type.
* - The visitor must implement the dijkstra_visitor concept and is typically derived from
* dijkstra_visitor_base.
* Throws:
* - out_of_range if the source vertex is out of range.
* - graph_error if a negative edge weight is encountered.
* - logic_error if an edge to a new vertex was not relaxed.
* @tparam G The graph type,
* @tparam Distances The distance random access range.
* @tparam Predecessors The predecessor random access range.
* @tparam WF Edge weight function. Defaults to a function that returns 1.
* @tparam Visitor Visitor type with functions called for different events in the algorithm.
* Function calls are removed by the optimizer if not uesd.
* @tparam Compare Comparison function for Distance values. Defaults to less<DistanceValue>.
* @tparam Combine Combine function for Distance values. Defaults to plus<DistanctValue>.
template <index_adjacency_list G,
ranges::random_access_range Distances,
ranges::random_access_range Predecessors,
class WF = std::function<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>(edge_reference_t<G>)>,
class Visitor = dijkstra_visitor_base<G>,
class Compare = less<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>,
class Combine = plus<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>>
requires is_arithmetic_v<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>> && //
convertible_to<vertex_id_t<G>, ranges::range_value_t<Predecessors>> &&
basic_edge_weight_function<G, WF, ranges::range_value_t<Distances>, Compare, Combine>
// && dijkstra_visitor<G, Visitor>
void dijkstra_shortest_paths(
G& g,
const vertex_id_t<G> source,
Distances& distances,
Predecessors& predecessor,
WF&& weight =
[](edge_reference_t<G> uv) { return ranges::range_value_t<Distances>(1); }, // default weight(uv) -> 1
Visitor&& visitor = dijkstra_visitor_base<G>(),
Compare&& compare = less<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>(),
Combine&& combine = plus<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>()) {
using id_type = vertex_id_t<G>;
using DistanceValue = ranges::range_value_t<Distances>;
using weight_type = invoke_result_t<WF, edge_reference_t<G>>;

// relxing the target is the function of reducing the distance from the source to the target
auto relax_target = [&g, &predecessor, &distances, &compare, &combine] //
(edge_reference_t<G> e, vertex_id_t<G> uid, const weight_type& w_e) -> bool {
id_type vid = target_id(g, e);
const DistanceValue d_u = distances[static_cast<size_t>(uid)];
const DistanceValue d_v = distances[static_cast<size_t>(vid)];

if (compare(combine(d_u, w_e), d_v)) {
distances[static_cast<size_t>(vid)] = combine(d_u, w_e);
if constexpr (!is_same_v<Predecessors, _null_range_type>) {
predecessor[static_cast<size_t>(vid)] = uid;
return true;
return false;

constexpr auto zero = shortest_path_zero<DistanceValue>();
constexpr auto infinite = shortest_path_invalid_distance<DistanceValue>();

const id_type N = static_cast<id_type>(num_vertices(g));

auto qcompare = [&distances](id_type a, id_type b) {
return distances[static_cast<size_t>(a)] > distances[static_cast<size_t>(b)];
using Queue = std::priority_queue<id_type, vector<id_type>, decltype(qcompare)>;
Queue queue(qcompare);

// (The optimizer removes this loop if on_initialize_vertex() is empty.)
for (id_type uid = 0; uid < N; ++uid) {
visitor.on_initialize_vertex({uid, *find_vertex(g, uid)});

// Seed the queue with the initial vertex
if (source >= N || source < 0) {
throw out_of_range(fmt::format("dijkstra_shortest_paths: source vertex id of '{}' is out of range", source));
distances[static_cast<size_t>(source)] = zero; // mark source as discovered
visitor.on_discover_vertex({source, *find_vertex(g, source)});

// Main loop to process the queue
while (!queue.empty()) {
const id_type uid =;
visitor.on_examine_vertex({uid, *find_vertex(g, uid)});

// Process all outgoing edges from the current vertex
for (auto&& [vid, uv, w] : views::incidence(g, uid, weight)) {
visitor.on_examine_edge({uid, vid, uv});

// Negative weights are not allowed for Dijkstra's algorithm
if constexpr (is_signed_v<weight_type>) {
if (w < zero) {
throw graph_error(
fmt::format("dijkstra_shortest_paths: invalid negative edge weight of '{}' encountered", w));

const bool is_neighbor_undiscovered = (distances[static_cast<size_t>(vid)] == infinite);
const bool was_edge_relaxed = relax_target(uv, uid, w);

if (is_neighbor_undiscovered) {
// tree_edge
if (was_edge_relaxed) {
visitor.on_edge_relaxed({uid, vid, uv});
visitor.on_discover_vertex({vid, *find_vertex(g, vid)});
} else {
// This is an indicator of a bug in the algorithm and should be investigated.
throw logic_error("dijkstra_shortest_paths: unexpected state where an edge to a new vertex was not relaxed");
} else {
// non-tree edge
if (was_edge_relaxed) {
visitor.on_edge_relaxed({uid, vid, uv});
queue.push(vid); // re-enqueue vid to re-evaluate its neighbors with a shorter path
} else {
visitor.on_edge_not_relaxed({uid, vid, uv});

// Note: while we *think* we're done with this vertex, we may not be. If the graph is unbalanced
// and another path to this vertex has a lower accumulated weight, we'll process it again.
// A consequence is that examine_vertex could be called twice (or more) on the same vertex.
visitor.on_finish_vertex({uid, *find_vertex(g, uid)});
} // while(!queue.empty())

* @brief Shortest distnaces from a single source using Dijkstra's single-source shortest paths algorithm
* with a visitor.
* This is identical to dijkstra_shortest_paths() except that it does not require a predecessors range.
* Pre-conditions:
* - distances has been initialized with init_shortest_paths().
* - The weight function must return a value that can be compared (e.g. <) with the Distance
* type and combined (e.g. +) with the Distance type.
* - The visitor must implement the dijkstra_visitor concept and is typically derived from
* dijkstra_visitor_base.
* Throws:
* - out_of_range if the source vertex is out of range.
* - graph_error if a negative edge weight is encountered.
* - logic_error if an edge to a new vertex was not relaxed.
* @tparam G The graph type,
* @tparam Distances The distance random access range.
* @tparam WF Edge weight function. Defaults to a function that returns 1.
* @tparam Visitor Visitor type with functions called for different events in the algorithm.
* Function calls are removed by the optimizer if not uesd.
* @tparam Compare Comparison function for Distance values. Defaults to less<DistanceValue>.
* @tparam Combine Combine function for Distance values. Defaults to plus<DistanctValue>.
template <index_adjacency_list G,
ranges::random_access_range Distances,
class WF = std::function<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>(edge_reference_t<G>)>,
class Visitor = dijkstra_visitor_base<G>,
class Compare = less<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>,
class Combine = plus<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>>
requires is_arithmetic_v<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>> && //
basic_edge_weight_function<G, WF, ranges::range_value_t<Distances>, Compare, Combine>
//&& dijkstra_visitor<G, Visitor>
void dijkstra_shortest_distances(
G& g,
const vertex_id_t<G> source,
Distances& distances,
WF&& weight =
[](edge_reference_t<G> uv) { return ranges::range_value_t<Distances>(1); }, // default weight(uv) -> 1
Visitor&& visitor = dijkstra_visitor_base<G>(),
Compare&& compare = less<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>(),
Combine&& combine = plus<ranges::range_value_t<Distances>>()) {
dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, source, distances, _null_predecessors, forward<WF>(weight), std::forward<Visitor>(visitor),
std::forward<Compare>(compare), std::forward<Combine>(combine));

} // namespace std::graph


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