Debug-menu-iOS allows you to quickly setup a flexible and password-protected debug menu to your iOS app!
Note: The debug menu is designed to be used within SwiftUI views.
Define a data source for your debug menu where you will setup all of your debug actions.
The only requirement is to subclass BaseDebugDataSource
import DebugMenu
public class DebugMenuDataSource: BaseDebugDataSource {
// Custom property wrapper for toggles
@DebugToggle(title: "Show All Foos", key: "showFoosKey") var showAllFoos = false
// Group actions in sections
lazy var toggleSection: DebugSection = {
DebugSection(title: "Toggles", actions: [$showAllFoos.action])
lazy var buttonSection: DebugSection = {
let testButton = DebugButtonAction(title: "Test Button", action: { print("Button Tapped") })
return DebugSection(title: "Buttons", actions: [testButton])
private init() {
self.addSections([toggleSection, buttonSection])
struct MainView: View {
@StateObject var debugMenuDataSource = DebugMenuDataSource()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
NavigationLink("Open Debug Menu!") {
DebugMenuView(dataSource: debugMenuDataSource)
Your password will be a SHA256 encoded string of your choosing. Generate one here
Add a flag to your DebugMenuDataSource
to handle the menus visibility, as well as a DebugMenuAccessConfig
with your SHA256 encoded password and a longPressDuration for triggering a password-entry alert.
@Published public var isMenuEntryPointVisible = false
let config = DebugMenuAccessConfig(passwordSHA256: "5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8", longPressDuration: 2.0)
List {
if debugMenuDataSource.isVisible {
NavigationLink("Open Debug Menu!") {
DebugMenuView(dataSource: debugMenuDataSource)
// The view to long press on that triggers the password-entry alert
Text("Debug Hidden Entry")
config: debugMenuDataSource.config,
isVisible: $debugMenuDataSource.isVisible
You now have a fully functional debug menu with a password protected entry point!
DebugButtonAction - Define an action closure
DebugNavigationAction - Pushed to provided destination
DebugTextFieldAlertAction - Presents a text field alert given provided DebugTextFieldAlert
DebugSubmenuAction - Presents another debug menu given a provided BaseDebugDataSource
DebugHostControllerAction - Exposes a UIHostingController that you can present from (Built-in functionality to present various endpoints using Switchcraft)
DebugToggleAction - A toggle action (Automatically created in @DebugToggle.action)
SwiftUI automatically observes the state of your @DebugToggle and updates the view when it changes.
You can pass in a title, a UserDefaults key, a UserDefaults store (defaults to .standard), and a closure to handle additional actions on didSet.
If you don't provide a key the value will only be stored in memory.
A DebugToggleAction
is conveniently created for you within the property wrapper and is accessible via referencing your toggle.action
@DebugToggle(key: "debugForceFooKey", didSet: debugForceFooSet) var debugForceFoo = false
@DebugToggle(title: "Show All Foos", key: "showFoosKey") var showAllFoos = false
@DebugToggle(title: "In Memory Flag") var inMemoryFlag = false
lazy var toggleSection: DebugSection = {
DebugSection(title: "Toggles", actions: [$debugForceFoo.action, $showAllFoos.action, $inMemoryFlag.action])
Have fun debugging! 🚀