This repository contains the code relative to the paper Matrix Product Belief Propagation for reweighted stochastic dynamics over graphs (PNAS, arxiv). When possible, variable names match the notation used there. An errata file is also found here.
Usage requires Julia version >= 1.8, although 1.9 is recommended. You can download Julia here.
To install the package:
using Pkg; Pkg.add("")
The package is based on TensorTrains.jl for the operations on tensor trains (a.k.a. matrix product states).
The directory is organized as follows:
The main module
implements the BP equations. Essential ingredients are:- An
on which the system is defined (for more details, see the documentation of IndexedGraphs.jl) -
s living on the factor nodes of the graph. Any concrete subtype (e.g.SISFactor
) must implement a method(fᵢ::SISFactor)(xᵢᵗ⁺¹::Integer, xₙᵢᵗ::Vector{<:Integer}, xᵢᵗ::Integer)
that computes the contribution of that factor to the joint probability as a function of. - Optionally, single-node reweightings
and edge reweightingsψ
Some allowed operations:
iterate!(bp::MPBP; kw...)
There is some montecarlo (Soft Margin) utility in
sample(bp::MPBP, nsamples::Integer)
: draw samples from the prior weighted with their likelihood -
draw_node_observations!(bp::MPBP, nobs::Integer)
: draw samples from the prior and add them to theMPBP
object as reweighting
Code for computing probabilities exactly by exhaustive enumeration in
(only for small system size and final time):exact_prob(bp::MPBP)
- An
A submodule
that can be included with
using MatrixProductBP.Models
that implements two models: Glauber dynamics and the SIS model of epidemic spreading. It contains model definitions and specialized versions of the BP equations that are more efficient than the generic one.
folder with small examples -
folder where results and plots are produced. The notebooks generating the results contained in the article output generate some data in .jld format that is then read bynotebooks/plots_for_paper.ipynb
which produces the figures in the article.
To get a hang of how the package works, take a look at, e.g. test/glauber_small_tree.jl
, notebooks/glauber_infinite_graph_large_degree_small_beta.ipynb
, or notebooks/sis_compare_softmargin.ipynb