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Oracle APEX Region Plugin - Dropzone

APEX Community APEX Plugin APEX Built with Love

Dropzone is a region type plugin that allows you to provide nice looking drag’n’drop file uploads. It is based on JS Framework dropzone.js (

Demo Application


2.4.1 - Use wwv_flow.ajax endpoint instead of for all AJAX actions

2.4.0 - changed "Normal" upload method to use multipart/form-data requests, no base64 conversion needed + works with all web servers

2.3.0 - min. APEX version now is 5.1 ! / Changed chunked upload to also use base64 f01 array (double chunked mechanism) / delete AJAX call only when file has no error

2.2.4 - Updated Dropzone framework to 5.5.0

2.2.3 - Fixed displaying of special characters #39 / some server side code improvements

2.2.2 - Updated Dropzone framework to 5.3.0

2.2.1 - server side waiting: use custom procedure instead of APEX_UTIL.PAUSE (thus only full seconds are possible)

2.2.0 - APEX 5.2 compatibility / Updated Dropzone framework to 5.3.0 / enable dynamic substitution strings for table or collection name / removed parallel uploads option / changed client side waiting to server side waiting after file gets uploaded, removed waiting attribute, general improvements of js and pl/sql code

2.1.0 - Added client side image resizing (before sending to server) / Added configurable chunk size of chunked file uploads

2.0.4 - Added much more detailed Total Upload Progress

2.0.3 - New Style Grey Dashed Border/Background / Improved deleting Files (No longer via Filename, instead the APEX Collection Seq-ID or PK Value of Custom Table is used)

2.0.2 - Performance Improvements for Chunked File Uploads / Improved Upload Status for Chunked File Uploads / Improved Client Side Debug Logging / Improved Server AJAX Error Handling

2.0.1 - Performance Improvements for Chunked File Uploads / Improved Client Side Debug Logging / Oracle Database EPG Note in Docs & Help Pages

2.0.0 - Complete new Version built from ground up. Now much easier to use and with more features

  • Choose where to save the Files (APEX Collection or Custom Table)
  • No more writing of custom PL/SQL Code inside the Plugin (much more Update save)
  • More Events that Developers can use for custom Interactions
  • Choose the Upload Method (Normal: 1 Request or Chunked: Multiple Requests)
  • Improved Error Handling and Logging for the whole AJAX based Upload Process
  • Possibility to delete Files which were accidentally uploaded to the Server
  • Better Documentation on Github and in the Plugin Attribute Help
  • Much better Internationalization and App Wide definition of Messages
  • And of course all the "old" Features as well

Upgrade Notes:

  • As the Plugin was rewritten from ground up, Version 2.0.0 is completely incompatible with prior Versions! It is recommended that you install Version 2.0.0 beside Version 1.XX and replace all Dropzone Regions in your App.
  • If you didn´t touch the default PL/SQL Code of Version 1.XX and used the default Settings then the Upgrade Process should be straight forward (APEX Collection is the same).
  • If you used Plugin Events in Version 1.XX, you have to change these to the Plugin Events of Dropzone 2.*
  • If you customized the PL/SQL Code of Version 1.XX to insert additional information, please see Inserting uploaded files into your own tables for information on conveting to the Plugin's default upload method to an APEX Collection, with a PL/SQL dynamic action to perform your custom insert.

Changelog Version 1.XX

1.9.6 - fixed issue #15 (Page Items to Submit) / Added new event "Dropzone max files exceeded" (issue #13)

Update Note from v1.9.5: It may be required to renew the PL/SQL Code (Upload) to the default which is shipped with this plugin. Unfortunately Plugin Attributes are not updated automatically.

1.9.5 - fully compatible with APEX 5.1 / Delete files inside Dropzone / General Code Cleanup / New Plugin Events / Float number as max Filesize

Update Note: It may be required to renew the PL/SQL Code (Upload) to the default which is shipped with this plugin. Unfortunately Plugin Attributes are not updated automatically.

1.9.4 - updated dropzone library to 4.3.0 / added a much more detailed upload progress bar per file

1.9.3 - solved performance issues when converting larger files from base64 CLOB to BLOB

1.9.2 - added a random file id to APEX collection (better identification of file by it´s id) / empty file mime types now set to "application/octet-stream" / code cleanup

1.9.1 - added more file preview images / more structured file paths / APEX event triggers on Region (not body) / no global js functions any more, wrapped code in namespace "apexDropzone" / cleaned up js code

1.9 - added option to include a custom callback javascript function which get executed on chosen events (added file & upload completed) + added APEX events for added file & upload completed to trigger Dynamic Actions

1.8 - added option to select a default dropzone style (1: grey border / 2: blue dashed border) / added option to display file type preview images for common file types / minified css/js files (full files for debug mode)

1.7 - solved lots of performance issues (file + base64 data get uploaded to server) / stability improvements

1.6 - added number of parallel uploads option (1 or 2 concurrent) / performance improvements (base64 encoding when file was added instead of sending moment) / better error handling

1.5 - performance improvements(removed redundant AJAX call) / split the clob into a 30k param array (OHS 32k limit for params) / added callback function to apex.server.plugin that processes the files queue

1.4 - added option to refresh a chosen region (with REGION_STATIC_ID) after uploading of all files is complete / Copy&Paste support of images in modern Browsers (like Chrome)

1.3 - set default for "max Files" to dropzone default of 256

1.2 - added max files per upload option / added customizable messages for better multilingual support

1.1 - added options to limit uploading of declared file types (file endings, mime_types, wildcards) / clear dropzone area after uploading of all files finished

1.0 - Initial Release

Beta - In development


  • Import plugin file "region_type_plugin_de_danielh_dropzone2.sql" from source directory into your application
  • (Optional) Deploy the CSS/JS files from "server" directory on your webserver and change the "File Prefix" to web servers folder (Inside the Plugin Settings).

Plugin Settings

The plugin settings are highly customizable and you can change:

  • Storage Type

    • Choose where the uploaded Files are saved. You can either save your Files to a APEX Collection or to a Custom Table.
  • Collection / Table Name

    • Name of the APEX Collection or of your Custom Table. Default APEX Collection: DROPZONE_UPLOAD.
    • Note: "Custom Table" setting is limited to storing the filename, mime type, and upload date, in addition to the file content itself. To store additional information, please use APEX Collection and see the Inserting uploaded files into your own tables section below.
  • Filename Column

    • Column of your custom Table which holds the information for the Filename. Only if Storage Type is set to Custom Table
  • Mime Type Column

    • Column of your custom Table which holds the information for the File Mime-Type. Only if Storage Type is set to Custom Table
  • BLOB Column

    • Column of your custom Table which holds the information for the File Content (BLOB). Only if Storage Type is set to Custom Table

    • PK Column

      • Primary Key (PK) Column of your custom file Table. Only if Storage Type is set to Custom Table
  • Date Column

    • Column of your custom Table which holds the information for the File Upload Date. Only if Storage Type is set to Custom Table
  • Upload Mechanism

    • Normal

      • AJAX: Async Method

      • This Upload Method encodes the File into a Base64 String. This String is then split into an 30kb Array which sends the encoded/splitted File in 1 Request to the Server. This Method works on all Web Servers including Oracle OHS, Oracle WebTier, Oracle Database EPG, Oracle ORDS, Apache, Tomcat. But for large Files the maxPostSize Parameter have to be increased on Tomcat Servers (Default 2MB). Max. File size should not exceed ~50MB.

    • Chunked

      • AJAX: Async Method

      • This Upload Method splits a File into 1MB Pieces (Default / Please Change Component Setting "Chunk Size (in KB))"). Then this 1MB Chunks are base64 encoded and sent via Multiple Requests (For every MB 1 Request) to the Server. This Method works best on modern Web Servers like ORDS, Tomcat or Apache, but not on Oracle OHS, Oracle WebTier or Oracle Database EPG! This Method is good, when you don´t have the possibility to configure Parameters of the Web Server like maxPostSize or want to Upload large Files (> 50MB). If you can edit the Web Servers Config you should go with the Normal Mechanism. But if you expect a lot of big files that get uploaded this Method should be fine for that!

  • Delete Files

    • Possibility for end users to delete each file that was uploaded to the server. Only if no Page Refresh has occurred.
  • Dropzone Style

    • UI Style of your Dropzone Region. You can choose either Grey Border, Blue Dashed Border or Red Dashed Border
  • Width

    • Enter the default width of your Dropzone Region. Valid values are px and % data. E.g. 700px or 100%
  • Height

    • Enter the default height of Dropzone Region. Valid values in px. E.g. 400px or 500px
  • max. Filesize in MB

    • max. File Size (Float Number) that is allowed per File. If a File is larger, it will be removed.
  • max. Files

    • Maximum number of allowed files that can be uploaded at once.
  • Accepted File Types

    • If you only want that users can upload Files of declared types. Valid values: comma separated list of Mime-Types (with Wildcard support) or File endings: image/*,application/pdf,.psd
  • Clickable

    • If true, the Dropzone Region will be clickable, if false nothing will be clickable and only Drag & Drop is possible.
  • Show File Previews

    • Show Preview Images for common File types when adding files. Image-Files got displayed with real content. If you want to add more images or others just Copy/Upload the PNG Files to img directory. Naming: <file-extension>.png
  • Copy & Paste Support

    • Adds support for Copy & Paste of Images in modern Browsers (like Chrome or Firefox > 50).
  • Image Resizing

    • If true, images are resized to a specified size. This happens on client side before uploading the file to server. Saving upload bandwidth and reducing upload time. Please set at least one resize attribute, e.g. Resize Width or Resize Height.
  • Resize Width

    • If set, images will be resized to these dimensions before being uploaded. If only one, resize Width or resize Height is provided, the original aspect ratio of the file will be preserved. Please provide a width in pixels.
  • Resize Height

    • If set, images will be resized to these dimensions before being uploaded. If only one, resize Width or resize Height is provided, the original aspect ratio of the file will be preserved. Please provide a height in pixels.
  • Remove Files after Upload

    • If true, clears all Files from Dropzone Region after uploading has finished.
  • Chunk Size (in KB) (Application Scope)

    • This is the default chunk size if you choose the Chunked upload mechanism. The file is split into pieces of that size. Each piece is sent to the server separately. Thus the files are base64 encoded, there is a little overhead in the file size, so please consider a plus of about 10-15% in file size. Default is 1MB = 1048576 KB.
  • Display Message (Application Scope)

    • Message that is displayed inside of the Dropzone Region
  • Fallback Message (Application Scope)

    • Message that is displayed when your Browser doesn´t support HTML5 Drag & Drop File Uploads
  • File too Big Message (Application Scope)

    • Message that is displayed per File, if the File is bigger than you allowed in the settings. You can use Placeholders like: {{filesize}} or {{maxFilesize}}
  • max. Files Message (Application Scope)

    • Message that is displayed per File, if the uploaded Files exceed the max. Files settings. You can use Placeholders like: {{maxFiles}}
  • Remove File Message (Application Scope)

    • Message that is displayed below a single File to remove the File. Only when Delete Files is set.
  • Cancel Upload Message (Application Scope)

    • Message that is displayed below a single File to Cancel Uploading during the actual Upload Process. Only when Delete Files is set.
  • Cancel Upload Confirm Message (Application Scope)

    • Message that is displayed in the Confirm Dialog if you clicked the Upload Cancel Link. Only when Delete Files is set.
  • Invalid File Type Message (Application Scope)

    • Message that is displayed per File, if the File´s Mime-Type is in the Exclude List.

Plugin Events

  • Dropzone File added

    • DA event that fires when a single file was added to the Dropzone Region (Client Side)
    • holds the file element, e.g or file.size
  • Dropzone Chunked File Upload Success (AJAX)

    • DA event that fires when uploading 1 Chunk of a File was successful (Server Side) (Upload Mechanism Chunked)
    • holds the Server response object
  • Dropzone Chunked File Upload Error (AJAX)

    • DA event that fires when uploading 1 Chunk of a File has an error (Server Side) (Upload Mechanism Chunked)
    • holds the Server response object
  • Dropzone File Upload Success (AJAX)

    • DA event that fires when uploading a File was successful (Server Side) (Upload Mechanism Normal)
    • holds the Server response object
  • Dropzone File Upload Error (AJAX)

    • DA event that fires when uploading a File has an error (Server Side) (Upload Mechanism Normal)
    • holds the Server response object
  • Dropzone Upload completed

    • DA event that fires when uploading all files completed (Client Side)
  • Dropzone File deleted

    • DA event that fires if the Remove File Link of a File is pressed (Client Side)
    • holds the file element, e.g or file.size
  • Dropzone File Delete Success (AJAX)

    • DA event that fires when deleting a single files was successful (Server Side)
    • holds the Server response object
  • Dropzone File Delete Error (AJAX)

    • DA event that fires when deleting a single files has an error (Server Side)
    • holds the Server response object
  • Dropzone max Files exceeded

    • DA event that fires per file when more files are added to the Dropzone than allowed (Client Side)
    • holds the file element, e.g or file.size
  • Dropzone Total Upload Progress

    • DA that fires from time to time during upload of all files and return the Total Upload Progress (Client Side)
    • holds the totalPercentage element
  • Dropzone File Error

    • DA that fires when processing a file has an error (Client Side)
    • holds the file element, e.g, file.size or file.errorMessage
  • Dropzone Dragging File over Region

    • DA that fires when dragging a file over the Dropzone Region (Client Side)

How to use

  • Create a Dropzone region on target page
  • Choose best fitting Plugin Attributes (Help included)

Get files from APEX Collection

If you use the default Options provided with this Plugin, the files are saved in a APEX collection called DROPZONE_UPLOAD. Select it like that:

SELECT c001    AS filename,
       c002    AS mime_type,
       d001    AS date_created,
       n001    AS file_id,
       blob001 AS file_content
  FROM apex_collections
 WHERE collection_name = 'DROPZONE_UPLOAD';

Inserting uploaded files into your own tables

Although the plugin settings allow you to upload the files directly into your custom table, the default setting of APEX Collection is preferred, as this method provides the flexibility to do custom processing prior to inserting the data into the custom table. A typical use case for this is referencing foreign keys. This is easily accomplished using Dynamic Action with PL/SQL code, as follows, assuming the foreign key ID is stored in page item P1_FK_ID:

  • Event: Dropzone Upload completed
  • Selection: your dropzone region
  • PL/SQL Code:
  -- get files data from saved apex_collection
  CURSOR l_cur_files IS
    SELECT c001    AS filename,
           c002    AS mime_type,
           d001    AS date_created,
           n001    AS file_id,
           blob001 AS file_content
      FROM apex_collections
     WHERE collection_name = 'DROPZONE_UPLOAD';
  -- loop over files cursor
  FOR l_rec_files IN l_cur_files LOOP
    -- do whatever processing is required prior to the insert into your own table
    INSERT INTO custom_table (
    ) VALUES (
  -- clear original apex collection (only if exist)
  IF apex_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name => 'DROPZONE_UPLOAD') THEN
    apex_collection.delete_collection(p_collection_name => 'DROPZONE_UPLOAD');

Hint for ORDS and Tomcat users

If you have Problems uploading larger Files (only with prefered Upload Mechanism "Normal"), then it could be a Issue with the max. allowed Post Size of Tomcat Server (default is 2MB). To get around this issue please add the Parameter maxPostSize with a Byte value to your Connector in server.xml file of Tomcat.

For AJP connector:

<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" address="" maxPostSize="15728640" />

For HTTP connector:

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" address="" maxPostSize="15728640" />

This example sets maxPostSize to 15MB or 15728640 bytes. Setting the maxPostSize attribute to a value less than zero (e.g -1) disables the whole limitation. More about it in the Tomcat 8 Documentation


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Oracle APEX Region Plugin - Dropzone







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