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Distributed framework to monitor and explore microservice architectures on Kubernetes

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Distributed Monitoring

This application generates runtime architecture models for microservice systems deployed to kubernetes. It uses the kubernetes API to retrieve and update deployment related data. The data is used to generate a CompArch model which can be used to explore the architecture and implement self-adaptation. Furthermore, zipkin is used to explore dependecies between the services and add their interfaces and their usage to the model. The CompArch implementation is copied from thomas-vogel/mRUBiS.

System Overview

Architecture Overview

Sequence Diagram

Image of the ocnfiguration UI


  • git
  • docker, docker-compose
  • gradle (optional)
  • kubectl (kubernetes cli)
  • kompose (docker-compose wrapper for kubernetes)

if you have gradle installed locally you can use it to run build tasks. Otherwise, you can use the executable wrapper file gradlew (or for windows gradlew.bat)

Run Locally

via Docker

  • create docker images with ./gradlew docker
  • simply run docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up
  • verify by running curl localhost:8003/model

as spring boot

  • build all projects with ./gradlew build
  • build single project with ./gradlew kubernetes-consumer:build
  • run with ./gradlew kubernetes-consumer:bootRun

Run on kubernetes

  • build images via gradle
  • configure registry url and namespace (and optional tag) in scripts/
  • the script will also build the image for gateway and frontend which cannot be build via gradle
  • tag & push images to registry by executing the script:
  • make sure the kompose file dm.yml is up to date
    • the image registry-url and namespace in dm.yml have to correspond to the where you pushed the images to before
    • only regenerate kompose files if a service was added/removed or the registry changed
    • generate with REGISTRY=stephde TAG=latest kompose convert -f ../docker-compose.hub.yml -o kompose/dm.yml
    • make sure imagePullPolicy: Always is set for all containers in dm.yml so that kubernetes always uses the newest images Create the target namespace before deployment.
kubectl create -f scripts/namespace.json
  • run kubectl apply -f kompose/dm.yml -n dm to create monitoring setup in namespace dm
  • verify deployment by querying the pods kubectl get pods -n dm
  • expose the endpoints from kubernetes to the outside
    • e.g. via an nginx proxy in the cluster vm
    • find out the ip of the gateway with kubectl get svc -n dm
    • use vagrant ssh k8s1 to ssh into the virtual kubernetes master node
    • set the gateway ip in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and reload with sudo nginx -s reload

Run in local kubernetes

  • deploy to kubernetes with kompose up

  • verify pods are running with kubectl get pods

  • check out the local dashboard (you need to have kubectl proxy running kubectl proxy and might need to adjust the port)

  • alternatively deploy with docker stack:

docker stack deploy --namespace dm --compose-file docker-compose.yml dm

remove stack with docker stack:

docker stack rm --namespace dm dm

Monitor an application

The namespace of the target application needs to match the namespace in the of the monitor. Otherwise, it can also be adjusted at runtime by calling the POST /namespace endpoint (as in scripts/ Or via the configuration UI if it is connected

Events on Replication

# after build, tag & push

# deploy stack
docker stack deploy --namespace dm --compose-file docker-compose.yml dm

# get pods in namespace
kubectl --namespace=dm get pods

# attach to logs of monitor pod
kubectl logs -f monitor-7dcf74c57c-kp69z --namespace dm

# trigger scale
kubectl --namespace=dm scale --replicas=2 deployment/activemq

# remove stack
docker stack rm --namespace dm dm


  • API url for querying service dependencies http://localhost:9411/zipkin/api/v2/dependencies?endTs=1545921678313
  • swagger documentation of the zipkin API


  • the gateway is a simple nginx based proxy
  • any service that should be accessible from outside the cluster needs to be configured here
  • build docker image with docker build -t gateway:latest .


  • build docker image docker build -t dm-frontend ./frontend
  • run as docker image on server docker run -d --restart-always --name dm-frontend -p 1801:8080 stephde/dm-frontend
  • set API url in UI (e.g. to

Tracing Example

  • the tracing example module is not required for the setup to work
  • it is just used to verify that the zipkin sensor functions properly
  • it can be removed from docker-compose and dm.yml if you don't need it

How to add a module or sensor

  • use spring boot starter
  • add new module to settings.gradle
  • the global build.gradle per default applies java and spring plugins to sub packages
  • if you need the shared events package add compile project(':shared-events') to the build-gradle of the new module
  • add the module to docker-compose files and to
  • regenerate the kompose .yml files, so that they include your new service
  • ...


How do I scale a service?

kubectl scale --replicas=2 deployments/workloademulator

How do I update a service if I deploy a new Version?

  • set imagePullPolicy: Always in dm.yml so that kubernetes always uses the newest images
  • scale the replicas to 0 and then back to 1
  • kubernetes will automatically pull the new image
  • alternatively you can just remove the deployment and recreate it

Known Issues

  • version mismatch between zipkin-consumer -- zipkin -- spring-sleuth instrumentation


  • remove container
2018-12-14 14:37:43 -- INFO  -- c.k.w.EventWatcher	: 
KubeEvent(super=WatchableEntity(name=derbydbtestit-65bcc979fc-zxslz, namespace=dm, creationTime=2018-12-14T14:37:43.000Z), 
    message=Killing container with id docker://derbydbtestit:Need to kill Pod, 
    reason=Killing, related=, type=Normal, source=kubelet, 
  • get dashboard token
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(
  kubectl -n kube-system get secret | \
  awk '/^deployment-controller-token-/{print $1}'
) | \
awk '$1=="token:"{print $2}'
  • set up docker stack to use kubernetes orchestrator DOCKER_STACK_ORCHESTRATOR=kubernetes


Distributed framework to monitor and explore microservice architectures on Kubernetes







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