Powershell script using the ntfsreader library (embedded into script).
Original ntfsreader source found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ntfsreader/
Updated source attached to this repo.
Example usage:
$Drives = "C:\","D:\"
$Results = $Null
ForEach ($Drive in $Drives) {
$Results += NTFSReader -Drive $Drive
Write-Output "Top 10 Folders by sub file count:"
$Results | Where-Object {$_.Directory -eq $True} | Sort-Object SubFileCount -Descending | Select-Object FullName,SubFileCount -First 10 | FT
Write-Output "Top 10 Folders by total sub file size:"
$Results | Where-Object {$_.Directory -eq $True} | Sort-Object SubFileTotalSize -Descending | Select-Object FullName,SubFileTotalSize -First 10 | FT
Write-Output "Top 10 largest files:"
$Results | Where-Object {$_.Directory -eq $False} | Sort-Object Size -Descending | Select-Object FullName,Size -First 10 | FT