1 Division of Regenerative Medicine & Hartman Institute for Organ Regeneration, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY, 10065, USA
2 E-mail: xih4001@med.cornell.edu
3 E-mail: jqz4001@med.cornell.edu
The repo contains all codes for analysis in the paper.
Stomach-derived human insulin-secreting organoids restore glucose homeostasis, Nature Cell Biology, 2023.
- Script 01: libraries loading; scripts loading; directories; colors
- Script 02: data processing for GINS organoids
- Script 03: data processing for islet
- Script 04: integrating GINS organoids and human islets.
- Script 05: data processing for GINS differentiation time course
- Script 06: comparing hGSC and GINS organoids
- Script 07: comparing hGSC, GINS organoids, and islets
- Script 08: comparing antral and corpus GINS organoids
- Script 09: data processing for GINS graft
- Script 10: comparison GINS organoids, GINS grafts and human islets
- Script 11: visualization of GINS differentiation trajectory
- Script 12: visualization of GINS differentiation trajectory with islet datasets
- Script 13: Regulon analysis
- Script 13: Velocity analysis (Linux)
- Script 04: Fig. 3a-c; Extended Data Fig. 4c, 6a
- Script 06: Extended Data Fig. 4a-b, 4e
- Script 07: Fig. 3d; Extended Data Fig. 4d
- Script 08: Extended Data Fig 5d-e
- Script 10: Fig. 4f-g, 6g;
- Script 11: Fig. 5c, 6a; Extended Data Fig 9a-c
- Script 12: Fig. 5a-b,5d-f; Extended Data Fig 8a-c
- Script 4: Extended Data Fig. 6b (pathway enrichment)
- Script 7: Fig. 3d (Signature gene sets)
- Script 12: Fig. 5f (pathway enrichment)
R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)
Matrix products: default
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