Style names, export attachments, fixes
Added the ability to customize the name of a new style and rename an existing style, per #414
Added the ability to export attachments along with Word and XML exports, per #410
Added notebook related items to the context menu of the area next to the section tabs
Changed the name of the Image Resize command to "Resize and Adjust"
Fixed an issue with the Colorize command when copy/pasting from a Web page, per #410
Fixed an issue where the Disable Spell Check button didn't work when added to the ribbon bar, per #415
Fixed an issue where all attributes of a style were not fully applied to selected text, per #418
Fixed an issue causing an exception when exporting to a path that does not exist, related to #410
Fixed an issue where the tagging bank was copied instead of body when page is embedded, per #422
Fixed an issue where not all colors were readable after colorization, per #423
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