Minor update with lots of bug fixes
This is a "hardening release" to address a number of defects recently discovered during testing
Added Hebrew language translations
Fixed an issue where the z-order of the settings window was lost #790
Tasks completed under #768
Added Command Palette to the main OneMore menu and moved Show XML to Extras menu
Changed formula processor to apply specified decimal places to percentages rather than presuming two digits
Enabled replay for the Add or Update Reminder command
Disabled replay for the Show XML command
Fixed an issue where Analyze Report was not reporting size of local notebooks and sections
Fixed an issue where Arrange Containers wasn't handling wide containers correctly, overlapping results
Fixed an issue where Convert Text To Table was not preserving formatting of text across columns
Fixed an issue where Decrease Font Size crashed when setting font size below 6pt, valid range is 6pt-144pt
Fixed an issue where Duplicate Page was not copying ink and background images
Fixed an issue where Duplicate Page was not preserving page title styling with complex formatting
Fixed an issue where Fit Grid to Text caused a null reference exception
Fixed an issue where Images Add Caption caused an exception if the image was already captioned
Fixed an issue where Insert Text Box snippet caused an exception when wrapping only a selected image
Fixed an issue where Join Paragraphs was not preserving styles and not correctly joining soft-breaks
Fixed an issue where Remove Citations didn't recognize hyperlinks with spaces within the hyperlink brackets
Fixed an issue where Remove Duplicate reported a not-found exception and a problem in the navigator dialog
Fixed an issue where Remove Page Numbers was not removing number if part of title was stylized
Fixed an issue where Restore Container Auto Size resulted in wide boxes, now limiting width to 600px
Fixed an issue where Strikeout Tasks didn't properly un-escape the HTML amp sequence
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