Spring Boot REST Service to provide a REST API replacement to current Sarapis OR Service.
Copy the environment variables from the .env
cp .env.example .env
Start the db container with the following command
docker-compose up --build
In your terminal you will find the logs of the database. If you see the following log the database has started gracefully.
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
To shut down the container database use
docker-compose down
Build the Java service. This command will generate the application jar
the target
mvn clean install
If the build is successful, then run the service
java -jar target/orservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You will start seeing logs from the service booting up. If you see the following log
Started OrserviceApplication in {} seconds (process running for {})
the service has started successfully.
If the db has not started successfully do the following:
- Check that the container is running
docker ps
You should see all the containers running in your machine.
- Try rebuilding the database
docker-compose down --volumes
rm -rf postgres_data
docker-compose up --build