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Code for processing cut and tag data. Data can be bulk or single cell.

For bulk cut&tag:

Make environment

conda env create -f environment_cut_tag.yml

Activate environment

conda activate cut_tag

Download SEACR


git clone

Build Bowtie2 reference index if needed

nohup bowtie2-build "path to genome fasta file" "path to output with index name" &
# example:
nohup bowtie2-build AmexG_v6.0-DD_axolotl-omics_dataset/AmexG_v6.0-DD.fa AmexG_v6.0-DD_axolotl-omics_dataset/bowtie2_index/AmexG_v6.0-DD &

get chromosome size file

samtools faidx "path to genome fasta file"
cut -f1,2 "path to genome fai file that was just created" > chromSize.txt

Set variables in config file (found in src)

projPath = "top level directory where data will be processed"
Number_of_samples = "number of samples you have"
SAMPLE_1 = "each samples information. Copy and repeat for every sample"
  fastq_PE1 = "where fastq read 1 is located relative to projPath"
  fastq_PE2 = "where fastq read 2 is located relative to projPath"
  histName = "name of histone mark analyzing"
  rep = "replicate id- right now use a number, like 1 if it is rep 1"
runfastp = "if you want to run fastp (default), then true, else false"
ref = "path to bowtie2 index"
spikeInRef = "path to spike-in reference (ie. E-coli)"
spikeIn = "if you are using a spike-in like E.coli, then true (default), else false"
cores = "number of cpus to use"
chromSize = "path to chromSize.txt file"
seacr = "path to SEACR .sh file"
minQualityScore = "minimum quality score for filtering reads, typically 2"
binLen = "length of window for fragments, typically 500"

Running cut and tag

First we run a python wrapper that runs Bowtie2

# from the src folder run:
python <your output directory>

Note that this script automatically nohups your bowtie run. You must wait for this to finish before you go on to step 2.

After Bowtie has finished, run the next python script to compute peaks and visualize

# from the src folder run:
python <your output dir (can be same as bowtie2 dir)> <your bowtie2 dir from step 1> 

Note You may want to nohup this script, as this can take >10 hours to complete


  • In alignment folder:
    • Alignment_summary.txt file and pdf summarizing Bowtie2 alignment
    • bam, bed, bedgraph, bigwig, and sam files. Bigiwg files can be uploaded to the genome browser for visualization of specific genes.
    • scale_boxplot.pdf summarizing scaling factor and normalization to spike-in
    • in sam/fragmentLen folder
      • fragment_length.pdf summarizing lengths of mapped fragments
  • In peakCalling folder:
    • peak_plots.pdf summarizes peak results
    • In SEACR folder:
      • heatmaps centered around gene (_gene_cpm_smooth) and peak (_SEACR_heatmap) and their matrices and bed files
  • log files from both bowtie run and peak run

For single-cell CUT&tag:

Download cellranger-atac

Download SRAs if data is public

NOTE SRA-toolkit is needed for this:

<sratoolkit bin folder/fasterq-dump SRR########>
# example:
~/programs/sratoolkit.3.0.5-centos_linux64/bin/fasterq-dump SRR23343778

Download or build reference using cellranger arc:

# input ensemble genome and gtf files, as well as motif file in
source src/

Run cellranger-atac

# edit variables:
# cell_ref="" # location of cellranger reference genome
# fastq_dir="" # location of fastq files
# s="" # sample ID

source src/

process cut&tag counts with Signac and Seurat

Make environment

conda env create -f cut_tag_sc_environment.yml

Activate environment

conda activate cut_tag_sc

Set variables in config file (found in src, modify "sc_cut_tag" part)

projPath = "folder where count data is from cell ranger"
H5 = "name of H5 file" # if NA looks for matrix.mtx, barcodes.tsv, and peaks.bed files
metadata = "metadata file name"
fragments = "fragment file name"
genes = "genes to visualize for gene activity feature plots"
processed_sc_seurat_file = "processed scRNAseq object to help annotate cut&tag object"

Run Rmd file

Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('process_scCutTag.rmd')"


  • chromatin-assay_obj.rds --> object with processed peaks
  • QC_plots.pdf --> plots for TSS enrichment, fragment length, blacklist ratio, nucleosome signal, pct reads in peaks
  • depth_correlation.pdf --> Correlation between sequencing depth and reduced dimension components
  • cluster_umap.pdf --> umap of clusters
  • gene_feature_plots.pdf --> gene activity plots
  • seurat_mapping_plot.pdf --> plot of scRNA annotations and their mapping for scCut&Tag annotations
  • DEpeak_plot.pdf --> differentially expressed peaks between 2 celltypes
  • GOterm_barplots.pdf --> Go enrichment plots for given celltype
  • CoveragePlot.pdf --> For given genes, showing coverage for each cell type


Code for processing cut and tag data







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