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Code for the analysis of the pig retinal organoid data from David Gamm


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Code for the analysis of the pig retinal organoid data from the David Gamm group. Also contains other downstream applications to scRNAseq including different types of annotation using a reference (Seurat Mapping, scType), integration of datasets using Seurat, compositional analysis with scComp, pseudotime analysis, realtime analysis, and other processes.

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd scRNAseq_downstream

For single-cell pre-processing, visit our companion single-cell repo:

Docker or conda environments?

For each downsteam method, you can either make a conda environment to then run the script, or use the docker container that has environments already installed.

To use conda environments:

1. Install miniconda3. Follow instructions from here:

2. ```cd environments/```

3. For scRNAseq_new environment follow instructions in Note this environment is for seurat mapping, seurat integration, all annotation scripts, and other minor scripts that are not in the environments below.

4. For sccomp environment follow instructions in This environment is for running sccomp.

5. For pseudotime follow instructions in This environment is for running pseudotime.

6. For realtime follow instructions in This environment is for running a realtime analysis with moscot.

7. Go to the method you want for further instruction.

To use docker:

1. Install docker. Follow instructions here:

2. Make sure you are logged in (docker login).

3. Go to the method you want for further instruction.

Annotation via a reference

Seurat mapping

For mapping annotations across species, we used Seurat mapping. Seurat mapping also uses a reference object/ dataset to predict annotations of clusters based on similarity of cell expression to the reference. It does this by doing a canonical correlation analysis to find "anchor" cells between the reference and query, then annotated clusters based on these anchor cells.

For more details on Seurat mapping check out their webpage:

First: Make sure query and reference data were preprocessed the same way using the scRNAseq_library repo.

Then update variables in the config file under the main header and seurat_mapping header.

Variables in config file:

"title": "Your title"
"METHOD": "seurat_mapping"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.
"seurat_mapping": {
    "DATA_DIR": "working_directory" # working directory where output goes,
    "REF.SEURAT": "ref.seurat.rds" # location (relative to DATA_DIR) and file name of reference seurat (from pre-processing),
    "QUERY.SEURAT": "query.seurat.rds" # location (relative to DATA_DIR) and file name of query seurat (from pre-processing),
    "get_metadata": {
      "get_meta": "TRUE" or "FALSE", # do you want to get metadata for object?
       "metadata_file1": "ref_metadata.txt" # location and filename of metadata for reference - for docker put in the scRNAseq_downstream/data/ folder
       "metadata_file2": "query_metadata.txt" # location and filename of metadata for query - for docker put in the scRNAseq_downstream/data/ folder
       "metadata_subset1": "d205" # if needed, what to subset the reference metadata by (ie sample name), else "NA"
       "metadata_subset2": "NA" # if needed, what to subset the query metadata by, else "NA"
    "transfer_anchors": {
      "reduc.type": "cca", # type of reduction to use for anchors: "cca" or "pca"
      "query_manual_annot": "CellType_manual" # manual annotation label in query for comparisons
    "visualize_and_subset_ref": {
      "groupby": "type", # label column in reference used for annotating
      "celltype_removal_list": ["AC1","AC2","T1/T3","T2","Midbrain","miG"] # list of cell types in reference to remove before transferring labels to query
    "get_manual_comparison": { # order of prediction cell types ("rowvec") compared to manual cell types ("colvec")
    for proportion and cell count tables.
      "rowvec": ["BC","PR","iMG","Prog","Prog/Glia","AC","RGC","HC"],
      "colvec": ["Bipolar Cells","Rods","Cones","Rods - Muller Glia","Muller Glia","Muller Glia - Retinal Prog","Retinal Prog","Amacrine cells","unknown"]

Now run:



  • Objects:
    • query_seurat_pred.rds: Annotated query Seurat object
    • ref_seurat_map.rds: Subsetted reference object
  • Visualizations:
    • Initial featureplots:
      • human_ref-nfeature-featureplot.pdf
      • human_ref-rnacounts-featureplot.pdf
      • query-nfeature-featureplot.pdf
      • query-rnacounts-featureplot.pdf
    • Umap of reference:
      • ref_seurat_obj_umap.pdf: Ref umap with all cell types
      • ref_seurat_obj_subset_umap.pdf: Ref umap with subsetted cell types
    • Umaps of query:
      • query-manual_annotation_umap.pdf: umap of manual annotation
      • query-celltype_seurat_predictions_umap.pdf: umap with predicted labels
      • celltype_seurat_predictions-umap_cca_clabels.pdf: umap with predicted labels in reference space with reference
      • celltype_seurat_predictionsvsmanual-umap_0.5_cca_clabels.pdf: umap with predicted labels in reference space with manual annotation also in ref. space
      • query_celltype_prediction_featureplot.pdf: umap feature plots showing prediction score of each cell type
    • Heatmap:
      • celltype_manualvs.predicted_heatmap.pdf: heatmap of proportion comparison to manual annotation
    • Histograms:
      • _pred.score_histplot.pdf: histogram of prediction score for each cell type:
  • Tables comparing prediction to manual annotation
    • Cell counts: query_ref_data_table.txt
    • Proportion: query_ref_data_table_proportion.txt
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used


ClustifyR uses either a marker list of genes or a reference (or both!) to annotate a query object. For a marker list, Clustifyr annotates based on percent cells expressed in a given cluster for a given marker. It can also use enrichment tests. For a reference, Clustifyr performs a Spearman's correlation between the reference expression matrix and query expression matrix to find maximally correlated clusters, annotating with the highest correlated reference cluster (above a threshold).

For more information on ClustifyR see:

First set variables in the config file.

Variables in config file:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.
    "DATA_DIR": "data_directory/", # data directory
    "REF.SEURAT": "../human_D205_subset_annot.rds", # file name of reference seurat (from pre-processing). If "NA", then only markers are used to annotate
    "QUERY.SEURAT": "../gamms2_cca_pred.rds", # file name of query seurat (from pre-processing)
    "cluster_name": "seurat_clusters", # cluster name to annotate
    "visualize_and_subset_ref": { # not used if no reference
      "groupby": "cell_type2", # label column in reference used for annotating
      "celltype_removal_list": ["AC-MC","CdBC-MC","L/M cone-rod","RPE"] # cell types not to be used for annotation
    "score_and_plot_markers": {
      "known_markers": "True", # "True" if using known marker list, otherwise "False"
      "known_markers_path": "../../known_markers/Kims_retinal_markers.txt", # path where known markers are relative to data dir. For docker put in the scRNAseq_downstream/data/ folder 
      "cluster_type": "seurat_clusters", # which clusters to annotate
      "reduction": "umap" # dim reduction for visualization, ie. "umap", "pca"

Now run:



  • Labeled Seurat objects
    • seurat_obj_labeled.rds: Seurat object with clusters labeled by the marker list using clustifyr
    • seurat.obj_clustifyr.rds: Seurat object with clusters labeled by a reference using clustifyr (if reference is used)
  • Visualizations
    • clustifyr_marker_annotation_umap.pdf: umap of labeled clusters using a marker list
    • clustifyr_predicted_labels_umap.pdf: umap of labeled clusters using a reference
    • correlation_heatmap.pdf: heatmap of clusters correlated with cell type based on the marker list annotation
    • ref_seurat_obj_subset_umap.pdf: umap of reference cell types subsetted
    • ref_seurat_obj_umap.pdf: umap of reference cell types
  • Tables:
    • subset_celltype_table.txt
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Annotation via marker lists

GPT CellType

Automatic annotation of cell types using GPT-4 and differentially expressed marker genes.

For more information see:

First set variables in config file.

Variables in config file:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.
    "DATA_DIR": "data_directory/", # data directory,
    "seurat.obj": "seurat_obj_labeled.rds", # seurat object to annotate
    "openAI_key": "", # open AI key
    "cluster_name": "seurat_clusters2", # clusters to annotate
    "tissue_name": "retina" # if the tissue is known, otherwise NA

Now run:



  • seurat object with annotations from GPT Celltype:
    • seurat_celltypeGPT_annot.rds
  • UMAP figure:
    • celltypeGPT_umap.pdf
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used


ScType a computational method for automated selection of marker genes based on scRNA-seq expression data. A cell type specificity score is assigned to each marker gene, and this is weighted by the gene expression matrix to ultimately get a scType score and cell type annotation for each cluster. See:

First set variables:

Variables in config file:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE", # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "DATA_DIR": "/w5home/bmoore/Brown_thymus/output_preprocess_20240910_095557/", # data dir
    "SEURAT_OBJ": "seurat_obj_labeled.rds", # clustered seurat object
    "db": "/w5home/bmoore/Brown_thymus/thymus_markers_YB_forScType.xlsx", # marker database (excel file with markers)
    "tissue": "thymus" # tissue type (should be present in marker list)

Now run:



  • Object:
    • seurat_obj_labeled_sctype.rds: Seurat object with scType annotations
  • Visualizations
    • sctype_umap.pdf: umap of scType annotations
    • sctype_umap2.pdf: umap of scType annotations with different color scheme
    • sctype_bubbleplot.pdf: bubble plot of all potential annotations per cluster (the larger the bubble, the more cells have this annotation)
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Integration using Seurat

Integrate multiple Seurat objects. Objects are merged, then feature selection, scaling, and dimensionality reduction are performed. Next integration is done via canonical correlation analysis (CCA). After integration, clustering is performed and umap reduction is run again on the cca reduction, and integrated data are visualized. Finally layers are joined to then find differentially expressed genes across the integrated clusters.

To run, first set variables in config file:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.
    "DATA_DIR":"working_dir/", # working directory
    "filename_list": ["seurat_obj_labeled_48h.rds","seurat_obj_labeled_72h.rds"], # list of seurat objects to be integrated with path relative to working directory
    "project_name": "GSE199571_merged_timepoints_with_fluidigm",
    "feature_selection": {
      "n_features": 2000, # number of genes to use
      "analysis_type": "Seurat" # must be "Seurat" for integrated data
    "scale_data": {
      "vars.2.regress": "NA", # "NA" or "cell.cycle"
      "marker.path.s": "cell_cycle_vignette/cell_cycle_orthologs_s.genes.txt", # path to s cell cycle genes
      "marker.path.g2m": "cell_cycle_vignette/cell_cycle_orthologs_g2m.genes.txt" # path to g2m cell cycle genes
    "run_and_visualize_pca": {
      "top_n_dims": 2, # number of pcs to visualize
      "heatmap_dims": 15, # number of pcs for heatmap
      "num_cells": 500, # number of cells to visualize on pca map
      "dims": 20, # number of dimensions to use for jack straw
      "num.replicate": "NA" # number of replicates to use for jack straw, or if "NA", jack straw not run
    "run_umap": {
      "dims_umap": 20, # number of pcs to use for umap
      "umap.method": "umap-learn", # umap reduction method, "umap-learn" or "uwot"
      "": "pca" # reduction to use for umap, "pca" or "harmony"
    "integration_type": "cca", # type of integration "cca", "rpca", "harmony", "mnn", or "scvi"
    "perform_clustering": { # clustering after integration
      "reduction": "integrated.cca", # use reduction according to integration type, ie. for "rpca" it is "integrated.rpca"
      "resolution": 0.5, # resolution for clusters
      "algorithm": "leiden", # louvain or leiden
      "dims_snn": 10, # dimensions of nearest neighbor graph to use
      "cluster_name": "cca_clusters" # cluster name 
    "score_and_plot_markers": {
      "top_n_markers": 100, # Number of DE markers to consider
      "known_markers": "True", # if there are known markers- True or False
      "known_markers_path": "fluidigm_gup_expr_results/JackChu_markers.txt", # path with known markers file
      "cluster_type": "cca_clusters", # clusters to perform DE on
      "pairwise": "FALSE", # Compare each cluster combination pairwise? TRUE or FALSE
      "logFC_thresh": 0.25, # Cohen's D logFC threshold for a DE gene
      "auc_thresh": 0.5, # AUC cutoff (normally at least 0.5)
      "reduction": "umap.cca" # reduction to display umap, ie. shared space is umap.cca if cca was used
      "annot_type": "manual", # type of annotation
      "n_rank": 10 # lowest median logFC rank to consider for marker annotation

Now run.



  • Objects
    • seurat_obj_labeled_integrated.rds: integrated seurat object
    • merged_seurat2.h5ad: converted integrated seurat object to anndata object
    • merged_seurat2.h5Seurat: intermediate object for above conversion
  • Visualizations
    • PCA after merging objects but before integrating
      • elbow_pca.pdf
      • pca_heat_map.pdf
      • pca_scatter_plot.pdf
      • top_n_dims_with_genes.pdf
    • UMAPs
      • umap_clusters.pdf: umap of combined objects before integration, clusters
      • umap_lanes.pdf: umap of combined objects before integration, lanes
      • umap_plot.pdf: umap of combined objects before integration, lanes
      • umap_merged_cca.pdf: umap of combined objects after integration
      • labeled-clusters.pdf: umap of cell type annotation after integration (if marker list is provided)
      • X_featureplot_top10ranks.pdf: umap of gene feature expression for each cluster
  • DE genes for integrated clusters
    • Top100_DE_Genes folder
  • Known markers that are also top DE genes (if marker list is provided)
    • Known_DE_Markers folder
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Cell type composition analysis


To determine how the cell composition changed, we used sccomp, a Bayesian analysis that models changes in cell counts. For more information on sccomp:

Set variables in config file:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "DATA_DIR": "/w5home/bmoore/scRNAseq/GAMM/human_data/reh_cellrep_2020/", # data dir
    "CROSS_SPECIES": "yes", # are you comparing across species (yes) or within species (no)
    "COMP_TYPE": "seuratmapping", # based on the annotation- did you use scpred, seuratmapping, or manual
    "annot_label1": "type", # annotation label for file 1
    "annot_label2": "", # annotation label for file 2
    "idents1": "human_d205", # rename idents in file 1
    "idents2": "pig_day120", # rename idents in file 2
    "SEURAT.file1": "human_seurat_map.rds", # file for seurat object 1
    "SEURAT.file2": "query_seurat_pred.rds" # file for seurat object 2

Now run.



  • Object:
    • seurat.combined.rds: combined seurat object
  • Visualizations:
    • celltype_proportions.pdf: proportion figure
    • signif_associations_boxplot.pdf: boxplots of posterior distributions, showing significant differences between samples
    • credible_intervals_1d.pdf: credible interval of the slope for composition (left) and variability (right). Not available with current sccomp version 2.1.3
    • credible_intervals_2d.pdf: credible interval of the slope showing variability effect on y-axis and composition effect on x-axis for each sample
  • Tables:
    • composition_result_table.txt: effect size results from modeling composition only
    • composition_x_var_result_table.txt: effect size results from modeling composition X variability
    • composition_x_var_result_testtable.txt: same as above except with p-value added
    • loo_assoc-model_output.txt: leave one out results for model with sample association
    • loo_noassoc-model_output.txt: leave one out results for model without sample association
    • model_comparison_table.txt: Bayesian ANOVA, comparing loo results
    • _composition_result_table.txt: example of count differences for a specific cell type
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Pseudotime analysis

Cells are often in transition from one cell type to another, and pseudotime captures relationships between clusters, beginning with the least differentiated state to the most mature/terminal state(s).

Palantir and CellRank

Palantir models trajectories of differentiated cells by treating cell fate as a probabilistic process and leverages entropy to measure cell plasticity along the trajectory. Here we use it to identify initial and terminal states, cell fate probabilities, and driver genes.

To run pseudotime analysis you first have to have a Seurat object that is clustered and annotated (see above).

Next convert your Seurat object to an h5ad object that can be read into python. Run seurat2ann.R by first editing the config file:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "DATA_DIR":  "/w5home/bmoore/scRNAseq/GAMM/GAMM_S2/output_20230830_155530/",
    "SEURAT_OBJ": "GAMM_S2_clabeled-clusters_0.5.rds",
    "METADATA": "NA",
    "OUTPUT_name": "GAMM_S2_clabeled-clusters_0.5_2.h5Seurat",
    "DIM.RED": "NA"

Run to get a .h5ad file


Once you ahve the .h5ad file, you are ready to run pseudotime.

Modify config variables:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "DATA_DIR": "/w5home/bmoore/scRNAseq/GAMM/", # working dir
    "ADATA_FILE": "seurat_obj_labeled.h5ad", # converted anndata file
    "NC": 10, # number of components that are used to find terminal cells. In general, lower for few terminal cell types, higher for many terminal cell types
    "METADATA": "manual_annot_metadata.txt", # if you need to add metadata
    "annot_label": "CellType1", # what annotation you want to analyze in pseudotime
    "gene_list": ["CNGA3","RCVRN", "CA10", "TUBB3","SOX2"], # genes that you want to visualize trajectories for
    "terminal_celltypes": ["Rod", "Cone", "Bipolar Cells", "Amacrine Cell"], # final cell types
    "start_celltype": "Retinal Prog", # progenitor or stem cell type
    "magic_impute": "FALSE", # impute gene expression data with MAGIC? TRUE or FALSE
    "trajectory":{ # pseudotime cell type trajectories you want to visualize
      "cone": ["Retinal Prog", "unknown", "Pan PR", "Cone"],
      "rod": ["Retinal Prog", "unknown", "Pan PR", "Muller Glia-Rod", "Rod"],
      "MG": ["Retinal Prog", "unknown", "Muller Glia-Rod", "Muller Glia-Retinal Prog"],
      "bipolar": ["Retinal Prog", "unknown", "Bipolar Cells"],
      "amacrine": ["Retinal Prog", "unknown", "Amacrine Cell"]

Now you are ready to run pseudotime:



  • Objects:
    • pseudotime_processed.h5ad: ann data object with pseudotime
  • Visualizations:
    • Trajectories
      • _trajectory.pdf: violin plots of pseudotime for different cell types in a specific cell type trajectory as defined in the config file
    • Diffusion map
      • diffusion_map.png: cell types visualized in diffusion map dimensionality reduction
    • Pseudotime plots
      • dpt-palantir_pseudotime.pdf: umap showing overall dpt and palantir pseudotime values on umap
      • palantir_components_umap.pdf: umap showing components of palantir pseudotime
      • palantir_results.pdf: umaps of total pseudotime, total entropy, and pseudotime for each individual terminal point
      • palantir_terminal_cells.pdf: umap showing start cell and different terminal cells
      • pseudotime_transition.png: arrows showing pseudotime directions
      • terminal_state_probs.pdf: bar plots for start cell and each terminal cell showing probabilities of that cell arriving at a specific cell type state
    • Gene figures
      • gene_expression.pdf: umaps of gene expression for genes listed in config file
      • gene_trends.pdf: gene expression trends over pseudotime for each terminal cell type for genes listed in the config file
      • gene_trends_heatmap.pdf: heatmap of gene expression trends over pseudotime
      • gene_trend_clusters_.pdf: Clusters of different gene expression trends over pseudotime for each terminal cell type
  • Other:
    • package_versions.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Real time analysis

If you have actual time points in your data, you can do a real time analysis with optimal transport to see how the cells evolve over that time period.

Realtime with Moscot

If two timepoints are in separate seurat objects, objects need to be integrated before running script (see Seurat Integration)

Seurat object should be clustered and labeled, and then converted to h5ad object to read into python.

To convert: run seurat2ann.R by first editing the config file:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "DATA_DIR":  "/w5home/bmoore/scRNAseq/GAMM/GAMM_S2/output_20230830_155530/",
    "SEURAT_OBJ": "GAMM_S2_clabeled-clusters_0.5.rds",
    "METADATA": "NA",
    "OUTPUT_name": "GAMM_S2_clabeled-clusters_0.5_2.h5Seurat",
    "DIM.RED": "NA"

Run to get a .h5ad file:


Once you have the .h5ad file, you are ready to run realtime. Modify config variables:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "DATA_DIR": "/w5home/bmoore/scRNAseq/LiFangChu/fluidigm_gup_expr_results/output_20231114_102348/", # data dir
    "ADATA_FILE": "clustered_seurat_obj.h5ad", # ann data object
    "time_label": "orig.ident", # label in object that designates time points
    "annot_label": "seurat_clusters" # annotation label to compare time points




  • Object:
    • realtime_object.h5ad: ann data object with realtime results
  • Visualizations:
    • force_directed_graph.pdf: force directed graph of time points and annotations
    • prolif-apop_graph.pdf: cell proliferation and apoptosis graph
    • prior-post_growthrates.pdf: prior and posterior cell growth rates
    • cell_costs.pdf: costs of source or target cell
    • transitions_*.png: heatmap of the transition of one cell type to another across time points
    • ancestors*.pdf: umap 1: cells in cell type at later timepoint, umap 2: ancestors of celltype X at earlier timepoint
    • descendents*.pdf: umap 1: cells in cell type at earlier timepoint, umap 2: descendents of celltype X at later timepoint
    • prob_mass_flow_.pdf: probability of the mass flow of cell type X across time
    • cell_type_evolution1.0-2.0.pdf: probability of the mass flow of all cell types across time
    • random_walks.pdf: connections of cells (cell coupling) across time points on umap
  • Other:
    • sys-requirements.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Other processes


To re-cluster and re-annotate with updated cell types, use recluster-and-annotate.R:

Modify config variables:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "DATA_DIR": "/w5home/bmoore/Brown_thymus/output_preprocess_20240910_095557/PED165thymus/output_recluster_20240911_121040/", # data dir
    "SEURAT.FILE": "seurat_obj_labeled.rds", # seurat file
    "perform_clustering": {
      "reduction": "pca", # dim red to use
      "resolution": 0.25, # resolution (higher=more clusters, lower=less clusters)
      "algorithm": "leiden", # clustering algorithm
      "dims_snn": 10, # number of dimmensions to put in snn
      "cluster_name": "seurat_clusters2" # what to call the new clusters
    "score_and_plot_markers": {
      "top_n_markers": 100, # number of DE markers to consider
      "known_markers": "True", # whether there is a known marker list
      "known_markers_path": "/w5home/bmoore/Brown_thymus/thymus_markers_3.txt", # known markers list- for docker this should go in ./data/markers/ dir
      "cluster_type": "seurat_clusters2", # what clusters to annotate
      "pairwise": "FALSE", # do pairwise comparisons of clusters? TRUE or FALSE
      "logFC_thresh": 0.25, # logFC threshold for calling genes DE
      "auc_thresh": 0.5, # AUC threshold for calling genes DE
      "reduction": "umap" # dim red to visualize
      "annot_type": "manual", # type of annotation- manual, d120, or d40
      "n_rank": 5 # log FC rank cutoff for marker genes to determine a cell type (5 means ranked in top 5)




  • Objects:
    • seuratobj_recluster_resX.rds: reclustered Seurat object at resolution X
    • seurat_obj_labeled.rds: reclustered and reannotated Seurat object of marker list provided
  • Visualizations:
    • umap_clusters.pdf: umap of clusters
    • umap_lanes.pdf: umap of lanes
    • labeled-clusters.pdf: umap with new cell type annotations (if marker list provided)
    • labeled-clusters2.pdf: umap of new cell type annotations without legend
    • X_featureplot_top10ranks.pdf: umap of gene feature expression for cluster X
  • Tables:
    • manual_annot_metadata_0.75.txt: metadata table for new cell types
    • table_celltype_cluster.txt: table with cluster and cell type
    • table_celltype_counts.txt: table with cell type and count of number of cells in the cell type
  • DE genes for integrated clusters
    • Top100_DE_Genes folder
  • Known markers that are also top DE genes (if marker list is provided)
    • Known_DE_Markers folder
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Phate dimensionality reduction

To use the PHATE dimension reduction tool: currently unavailable Modify config variables: options under "phate" header:

  • knn : Number of nearest neighbors (default: 5)
  • decay : Alpha decay (default: 40)
  • t : Number of times to power the operator (default: ‘auto’)
  • gamma : Informational distance constant between -1 and 1 (default: 1)
title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "WD": "/w5home/bmoore/scRNAseq/LiFangChu/output_seuratintegrate_20240916_094725/", # data dir
    "SEURAT_OBJ": "seurat_obj_labeled.rds", # seurat obj
    "gene": "HES7", # example gene to visualize
    "embed_key":"phate", # name for phate dim red
    "ANNOT": "CellType1" # annotation label




Make feature plots

Make feature plots for any list of genes to visualize expression in low dimensional space

Modify variables in config file

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "WD": "/w5home/bmoore/Brown_thymus/output_preprocess_20240910_095557/PED165thymus/output_recluster_20240911_121040/",
    "SEURAT_OBJ": "seurat_obj_labeled_phate.rds",
    "GENE_LIST": "../KM_genelist_thymus.txt", # gene list to visualize. For docker, should be in the ./data/ dir
    "ANNOT": "CellType1", # annotation label
    "INPUT_NAME": "Thymus_0.5res_phate", # feature plot label
    "reduction": "phatek10d50" # dim red to use for visualization




  • Visualizations:
    • feature_plot_X_.pdf: umaps of cell types, clusters, and gene feature expression for that cell type
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Subset seurat object

To subset cells that express certain genes

Modify config:

"title": "Your title"
"docker": "TRUE" or "FALSE" # True if you want to use docker. Must have docker already installed. False to use conda environments.

    "DATA_DIR": "/w5home/bmoore/scRNAseq/GAMM/output_seuratintegrate_20241004_125959/", # data dir
    "SEURAT_OBJ": "merged_seurat.rds", # seurat file
    "GENE_LIST": ["SAG","HES5"], # genes to subset: all cells that express these genes
    "DIM.RED": "umap.cca", # dim red to use for visualization
    "ANNOT": "CellType_combined" # cell type annotation label


  • Object:
    • seurat.obj_subset.rds: subsetted seurat object
  • Visualization:
    • seurat_subset.pdf: umap1: of original with cell types, umap2: of subsetted cells expressing those genes identified in the config file, umap3: of sample types, umap4: of clusters, subsequent umaps: of gene expression from genes identified in config file
  • Other:
    • sessionInfo.txt: package information
    • config.json: config settings used

Parse DE markers

To get the list of all DE genes and their annotation from each cluster for a seurat object (based on the output of a single cell analysis). Need a directory with the KnownDE.markers* files and Top100DEgenes_* files. <directory with DE gene output files>

Subset cell cycle genes

Subset cell cycle genes by ortholog. Modify to input ortholog list and cell cycle gene list.

Rscript merge_orthologs_to_cellcycle_genes.R


scPred paper: Note: scPRed is archived because it is not compatible with Seurat v5

Seurat paper:

sccomp paper:

Palantir paper:

Moscot paper:

CellRank2 paper:

scType paper:

GPT CellType:



Code for the analysis of the pig retinal organoid data from David Gamm







No releases published


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