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scRNA-seq Analysis Guide

This README provides instructions on how to do a general single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis via Docker, including cross-species analysis and automated annotation via marker lists.


  1. Docker installed on your system.

    • Verify your installation by typing docker --version in your terminal. If Docker is not installed, you can download it from here.
  2. Python installed on your system.

    • Verify your installation by typing python --version in your terminal.If Python is not installed, you can download it here


Follow the steps below to set up your Docker environment:

  1. Clone the repository
git clone # Start by cloning the repository
  1. Navigate to the repository folder Change your current directory to the top level of the cloned repository using
cd scRNAseq_library/
  1. Configuring your pipeline run Before running the pipeline, make sure to configure your settings in the config.json file. For more details on how to set up the configuration, see the scRNA-seq Analysis Configuration Guide below.

  2. Run the Pipeline This command will intialize the pipeline. You will be asked questions based upon your data and analysis requirements.:

  1. Analysis questions
    • Have you loaded new data or would you like to realign? [y/N]:
      • If yes, the previous alignment will be deleted and pipeline will look to the specified files in the DATA_DIR to realign with STARsolo
      • If no, edits to the config file that are pipeline specfic (clustering, MT filtering, scaling) will be updated and a new time-stamped output will be generated
      • If no the following follow-up question will be asked: If you'd like to load a stored experiment select data. If you have aligned FASTQs loaded and changed pipeline parameters, select fastq [data/fastq]:
        • If data, that means you would like to load one of our pre-aligned datasets and you must select between the three: [REH,GAMM_S1,GAMM_S2]
        • If fastq, the alignment step will be skipped but your presumabley new config parameters will be applied to the latest time-stamped run

scRNA-seq Analysis Configuration Guide

This README provides a brief description of the configuration file used in the single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis.

Configuration Keys

General Settings

  • title: The title for the analysis.
  • annotation_reference: Indicates whether annotation reference is used in cluster labeling. (e.g., "FALSE")
  • DE_method: The method used for differential expression analysis. "Seurat" or "Scran" (we recommend "Scran")
  • species: The species for the analysis. (e.g., "human", "pig")
  • DATA_DIR: The directory where the FASTQs are stored. (e.g., "/isiseqruns/jfreeman_tmp_home/scRNA_FASTQS/")

Fastq Alignment Settings

  • fastq_alignment: A dictionary for specifying fastq alignment parameters.
    • NUM_LANES: Number of lanes. (e.g., 1)
    • OUTPUT_PREFIX: Output prefix. (e.g., "TEST")
    • READ_FILE1_PREFIX: Prefix for read file 1. (e.g., "/data/AtlasOfTheHumanRetina/SRR10130821_R2.fastq.gz")
    • READ_FILE2_PREFIX: Prefix for read file 2. (e.g., "/data/AtlasOfTheHumanRetina/SRR10130821_R1.fastq.gz")
    • CHEMISTRY_VERSION: Chemistry version. (e.g., "V3")
    • SOLO_TYPE: Solo type. (e.g., "CB_UMI_Simple")
    • SOLO_FEATURES: Solo features. (e.g., "Gene GeneFull SJ Velocyto")
    • SOLO_CELL_FILTER: Solo cell filter. (e.g., "EmptyDrops_CR")
    • SOLO_MULTI_MAPPERS: Solo multi-mappers. (e.g., "EM")
    • READ_FILES_COMMAND: Read files command. (e.g., "zcat")
    • SOLO_UMI_DEDUP: Solo UMI deduplication. (e.g., "1MM_CR")
    • RUN_THREAD_N: Number of threads to run. (e.g., 8)
    • isBarcodeFollowedbyReads: true or false, Parameter to indicate cDNA reads on barcode file
    • clip5pNbases: If bases should be clipped, what is the range to be kept. Reads outside of this range are clipped. (e.g.,"0 91")

Data Preparation and Analysis

  • prep_seurat_and_soupX: A dictionary to specify parameters for Seurat and SoupX preparation.

    • dims: The number of dimensions. (e.g., 30)
    • umap.method: The method used for UMAP. (e.g., "umap-learn")
    • tfidfMin: Minimum value of tfidf to accept for a marker gene to estimate background contamination. (e.g., 1) A higher tf-idf value implies a more specific marker.
    • min.cells: Include features (genes) detected in at least this many cells. (e.g., 3)
  • filter_cells: A dictionary for specifying cell filtering parameters.

    • lower.nFeature: The lower limit of features (genes). (e.g., 200)
    • upper.nFeature: The upper limit of features (genes). (e.g., 25000)
    • The maximum percentage of mitochondrial content. (e.g., 20)
  • ortholog_subset:

    • ortholog_file: File containg list of orthologs for cross-species analysis. From Ensemble, should contain tab-delimited: ref.gene.stable.ID query.gene.stable.ID
    • ref_species: Name of reference species. Default is human.
  • normalize_data: A dictionary for specifying normalization parameters. We use Scran normalization.

    • min_size: The minimum size. (e.g., 100)
    • min_mean: The minimum mean. (e.g., 0.1)
    • feature: The feature to normalize. (e.g., "ECHS1")
  • feature_selection: A dictionary for specifying feature selection parameters.

    • n_features: The number of features to select. (e.g., 2000)
    • analysis_type: The type of analysis to use, we recommend Scry. ("Scry" or "Seurat")
  • scale_data: A dictionary for specifying scale data parameters.

    • vars.2.regress: Genes to regress out. (e.g., "cell.cycle")
    • marker.path.s: Path to cell cycle S genes. Default in repo: "../cell_cycle_vignette/cell_cycle_orthologs_s.genes.txt""
    • marker.path.g2m: Path to cell cycle G2M genes. Default in repo: "../cell_cycle_vignette/cell_cycle_orthologs_g2m.genes.txt"
  • run_and_visualize_pca: A dictionary for specifying PCA parameters.

    • top_n_dims: The top n dimensions of PCA to display. (e.g., 2)
    • heatmap_dims: The number of dimensions for the heatmap. (e.g., 15)
    • num_cells: The number of cells to use. (e.g., 500)
    • dims: The number of dimensions to use for jackstraw. (e.g., 20)
    • num.replicate: The number of replicates for jackstraw plot. (e.g., 100, or can be NA). If 'NA' jackstraw is not run.
  • run_umap: A dictionary for running UMAP.

    • dims_umap: The number of dimensions to use in UMAP reduction. (e.g., 20)
    • umap.method: Method to run UMAP. (e.g., "umap-learn")
    • Reduction method to use. (e.g., "pca" or "harmony")
  • perform_batch_correction: A dictionary for specifying batch correction parameters.

    • dims.use: The number of dimensions to use. (e.g., 20)
    • max_iter: The maximum number of iterations. (e.g., 50)
  • perform_clustering: A dictionary for specifying clustering parameters.

    • reduction: Type of reduction to use for KNN graph. (e.g., "pca" or "harmony")
    • resolution: The resolution for clustering. Lower means fewer clusters, higher means more clusters. (e.g., 0.5)
    • algorithm: The algorithm used for clustering. (e.g., "leiden")
    • dims_snn: Number of dimensions to use for KNN graph. (e.g., 10)
  • find_differentially_expressed_features: A dictionary for specifying parameters to find differentially expressed features. Used if using Seurat to identify DE, if using Scran then score_and_plot_markers is used.

    • min_pct: The minimum percentage for filtering. (e.g., 0.25)
    • logfc_threshold: The threshold for log fold-change. (e.g., 0.25)
    • top_n: The top n features to select. (e.g., 11)
  • get_metadata: Adding in known metadata i.e. if a reference is being used and this reference has already been annotated.

    • metadata_file_ref: Reference metadata file. Should be tab-delimited with cells as first column and subsequent cell information in the following columns. Example files in metadata folder. Put file in metadata folder, then "../metadata/filename.txt".
    • metadata_file_query: Query metadata file. Same format as above.
    • metadata_subset1: Subset metadata for reference. Subsets for a name in "source" column. If NA, full metadata is used.
    • metadata_subset2: Subset metadata for query. Same format as above.
  • score_and_plot_markers: A dictionary for specifying parameters for scoring and plotting markers. DE genes scored and found by Scran.

    • top_n_markers: The top n markers to use (cut off for how many markers to find). (e.g., 100)
    • known_markers: Whether to use known markers. If FALSE, manual annotation cannot be done and only returns DE gene list. (TRUE or FALSE)
    • known_markers_path: The path to the known markers. (e.g., ../known_marker_lists/Gamm_lab_Consolidated_markerList.txt)
    • cluster_type: Cluster type to determine DE genes/ markers. (e.g. seurat_clusters,orig.ident)
    • pairwise: Do you want to calculate all pairwise comparisons between clusters? (TRUE or FALSE)
    • logFC_thresh: Cohen's D log fold change threshold, only DE genes above this threshold are kept. (e.g. 0.25)
    • auc_thresh: Area-under-the-curve threshold (the probability that a randomly chosen observation from one group is greater than a random). (e.g. 0.49)
  • process_known_markers: A dictonary to determine how to annotate clusters with known markers

    • annot_type: Type of annotation, manual being using markers in the top n_rank to annotate. Other options are related to Gamm paper. (manual,d40,d120)
    • n_rank: Lowest rank based on the log fold change to consider when annotating cell type (e.g. 10)

Please adjust the parameters as per your requirements. For additional details on each of these parameters, refer to the Seurat, Scran, SoupX documentation. Note: Clustifyr used to do automated annotation via provided marker list in addition to manual annotation.

Output files

  • SoupX
    • post_soupx_qc_combined.pdf: nCount by nFeature after SoupX
  • scDblFinder
    • merged_doublet_table.txt: Number of doublets and singlets called
    • after_dbl_removal_and_merge.pdf: nCount by nFeature after doublet removal
  • Mitochondrial filtering
    • percent_mt_unfiltered.pdf: by nCount before mitochondrial filtering
    • percent_mt_filtered.pdf: by nCount after mitochondrial filtering
  • Normalization
    • violin_pre_norm.pdf: Expression levels of a gene before normalization
    • violin_post_norm.pdf: Expression levels of a gene after normalization
  • Scaling
    • pca_before_cc_regression.pdf: PCA before cell cycle regression
    • pca_after_cc_regression.pdf: PCA after cell cycle regression
  • PCA
    • pca_heat_map.pdf: Heatmap of the top n PCs to look for gene variability
    • jack_straw.pdf: Top n PCs variability plot with p-values
    • top_n_dims_with_genes.pdf: PC1 and PC2 gene variablity
    • elbow_pca.pdf: standard deviation by PC plot
  • Batch correction
    • batch_uncorrected_pca.pdf: PCA before batch correction.
    • batch_corrected_pca.pdf: PCA after batch correction.
  • Umap plots
    • umap_plot.pdf: Umap with cell cycle genes
    • umap_lanes.pdf: Umap colored by sample
    • umap_clusters.pdf: Umap of clusters
    • labeled-clusters.pdf: Umap of labeled clusters (if marker list is used)
    • clustifyr_marker_annotation_umap.pdf: Umap of clusters annotated by Clustifyr (if marker list is used)
  • DE gene/ Marker files:
    • See Scran's scoreMarkers for details on columns in output files:
    • Top100genes_clust files: contain the top 100 genes for a particular cluster against all other clusters, sorted by median.logFC.cohen and subsetted by the median Cohen's D logFC threshold and median AUC threshold.
    • If a known markers list is given, this list is merged with the Top100genes_clust file. These are the KnownDE.markers_clust_ files.
    • The top ranked markers from the merged list are used to make feature umap plots highlighting the gene expression of that marker. Default is the ranked in the top 10.
    • Pairwise comparisons are also made if pairwise=TRUE. Each pairwise comparison between every cluster is made, and DE genes kept with the genes are higher than the median Cohen's D logFC threshold and median AUC threshold. These files start with DEgenes_clust_X.vs_Y.
  • sc_pipeline.pdf: Code and output from the sc_pipeline
  • Seurat objects:
    • seurat_obj_labeled.rds contains manual annotation (if manual annotation was selected, otherwise contains just clusters)
    • seurat_obj_clustifyr.rds contains clustifyr annotation if marker files were provided.


Star solo paper:

SoupX paper:

scDblFinder paper:

Seurat paper:

Scran paper:

Clustifyr paper:


No description, website, or topics provided.







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