Add extra features to your Twitch chat from Extra Life
Set the following environment variables:
: Your ExtraLife/DonorDrive IDTWITCH_USERNAME
: Your Bot's UsernameTWITCH_OAUTH
: The code from
: The Twitch channel to sit in
$ docker run --rm -it --env-file .env stjohnjohnson/extralife-twitch-bridge
> extralife-twitch-bridge@1.1.0 start
> node app.js
[21:11] info: Connecting to on port 443..
[21:11] info: Sending authentication to server..
[21:11] info: Connected to server.
[21:11] info: Executing command: JOIN #stjohnjohnson
[21:11] info: Joined #stjohnjohnson
[21:11] info: [#stjohnjohnson] <stjohnjohnson>: !goal
[21:11] info: [#stjohnjohnson] <stjohnbot>: St. John Johnson has raised $128.10 out of $10,000.00 (1%)
Every 30 seconds the chat bot will check the list of donations and post to Twitch if there are new ones.
The chat bot will reply to !goal
with a sum of the current donations and goal.