TCD Team Grand's Nutrition Application.
This application was done as a part of the course CS7IS5- Adaptive Application. This adaptive application provides users with a personalized food recommendation based on their preferences, their food history, their calorific profile, their goal and other users' history and model as well.
** Minimum python 3.5 required to install django version 2.2.6 **
We are using django for our backend
First setup a python3 virtualenv and activate it. After that install using pip
pip install django==2.2.6
We are using a package for REST
pip install djangorestframework==3.10.3
Check your django version
python3 -m django --version
We are using MySql for our DB. Make sure you have mysql server installled before proceeding
- Once installed create an empty database
- Then setup python mysql client
pip install mysqlclient
- Now we can run our migrations
python migrate
Now with our current working directory as grand-nutrition, to start the server
cd backend
python3 runserver
Then navigate to and you should see that your app is running
You’ll need to have Node >= 8.10 and npm >= 5.6 on your machine
Refer for setting up the node and npm
Check your node version using
node -v
It should be >=8.10
check your npm version using
npm -v
It should be >=5.6
After that run
cd grand-ui
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/ and you should see that your app is running