The library contains three types of filters:
- Average filter
- EWMA filter
- IIR filter
Model of operation of filter functions: the first call to the NAME_filter function returns the value given as the input parameter input. This value is also stored for the next calculations for the next calls of this function. Next calls of this function continue calculations for input data for previously set filter parameters or defaults values (if parameters are not set). Using the NAME_filter_reset function returns this state to the beginning.
# import library
import filters
# create sample input data table
input_data = [1, 2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 2]
# create object
filtered = filters.filter
# set filter parameter
# print input and filtered values
for i in range ( len(input_data) ):
print('input= ' + input_data[i] + ' output= ' + filtered.ewma_filter(input_data[i]) )
link to more advanced examples
Function resets the filter to initial state with optional parameter nums (if omnitet then default set 1 samples average calculation).
The function sets the number of data samples for which the mathematical mean will be calculated. nums must be greather or equal 1.
The function returns the calculated value for the given input data.
Function resets the filter to initial state with optional parameter factor (if omnitet then default value of factor is set to 1).
The function sets the factor parameter. factor must be greather or equal 1 and should not exceed the value of 32. The factor must be an integer.
The function returns the calculated value for the given input data.
Function resets the filter to initial state with optional parameter alpha (if omnitet then default value of alpha is set to 1).
The function sets the alpha parameter. alpha must be in range (0 < alpha < 1).
The function returns the calculated value for the given input data.
How the nums of samples parameter affects the output.
X axis - number of data sample
Y axis - data value
How the alpha parameter affects the output.
X axis - number of data sample
Y axis - data value
How the factor parameter affects the output.
X axis - number of data sample
Y axis - data value