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Sid edited this page Sep 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

Flow Diagram

Config Files

There are two config files that contain Storj network and Zenko connection information. The tool is designed so you can specify a config file as part of your tooling/workflow.


Inside the ./config directory there is a zenko_property.json file, with following information about your Zenko instance:

  • zenkoEndpoint - S3 End point of Zenko Instance
  • accessKeyID - S3 Access Key ID created in Zenko Instance
  • secretAccessKey - S3 Secret Access Key created in Zenko Instance

Inside the ./config directory a storj_config.json file, with Storj network configuration information in JSON format:

  • apiKey - API Key created in Storj Satellite GUI
  • satelliteURL - Storj Satellite URL
  • encryptionPassphrase - Storj Encryption Passphrase.
  • bucket - Name of the bucket to upload data into.
  • uploadPath - Path on Storj Bucket to store data (optional) or "/"
  • serializedAccess - Serialized access shared while uploading data used to access bucket without API Key
  • allowDownload - Set true to create serialized access with restricted download
  • allowUpload - Set true to create serialized access with restricted upload
  • allowList - Set true to create serialized access with restricted list access
  • allowDelete - Set true to create serialized access with restricted delete
  • notBefore - Set time that is always before notAfter
  • notAfter - Set time that is always after notBefore


Zenko files are iterated through and streamed in 32KB chunks to the Storj network.

The following flags can be used with the store command:

  • accesskey - Connects to Storj network using instead of Serialized Access Key instead of API key, satellite url and encryption passphrase .
  • shared - Generates a restricted shareable serialized access with the restrictions specified in the Storj configuration file.

Once you have built the project you can run the following:

Get help
$ ./storj-zenko --help
Check version
$ ./storj-zenko version
Create backup from Zenko and upload them to Storj
$ ./storj-zenko store --zenko <path_to_zenko_config_file> --storj <path_to_storj_config_file>
Create backup files from Zenko and upload them to Storj bucket using Access Key
$ ./storj-zenko store --accesskey
Create backup files from Zenko and upload them to Storj and generate a Shareable Access Key based on restrictions in storj_config.json.
$ ./storj-zenko store --share


  • The project has been tested on the following operating systems:
	* Windows
		* Version: 10 Pro
		* Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5005U CPU @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz
                * Zenko version: v1.2.0

	* macOS Catalina
		* Version: 10.15.4
		* Processor: 2.5 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5
                * Zenko version: v1.2.0

	* ubuntu
		* Version: 16.04 LTS
		* Processor: AMD A6-7310 APU with AMD Radeon R4 Graphics × 4
                * Zenko version: v1.2.0