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Cosmos Proof-of-Authority module for private & permissioned networks

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PoA Module

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The Proof of Authority (PoA) module allows for permissioned networks to be controlled by a predefined set of validators to verify transactions. This implementation extends the Cosmos-SDK's x/staking module to a set of administrators over the chain. These administrators gate keep the chain by whitelisting validators, updating consensus power, and removing validators from the network.


Our security policy can be found in the file.


Since this module depends on x/staking, carefully read through the Integration Guide to add it to your network. This design choice was made to allow for the PoA module to have backwards compatibility with:

  • Website UIs
  • Uptime bots
  • Validator scripts
  • in-process multi-validator testnets

The default POA administrator is set to the x/gov module address. One can change the POA administrator by setting the POA_ADMIN_ADDRESS environment variable to a valid address. E.g.,

# Override the default PoA admin address
POA_ADMIN_ADDRESS="cosmos1hj5fveer5cjtn4wd6wstzugjfdxzl0xpxvjjvr" poad start


After integrating the PoA module into your chain, read the network considerations before launching the network.

This includes: parameters, full module control, migrating from PoA->PoS, and other useful information.


The PoA flow is divided into a few key steps:

  • GenTx: Validators submit standard genesis transactions with the app binary CLI wrapper
  • Start: The chain controller merges these genesis transactions into the genesis file and starts the chain
  • Updates: The chain admin(s) can update the validator set by adding validators or modifying their consensus power.
  • Removal: The chain admin(s) can remove validators from the network.

All delegation actions are disabled with the disabled-staking ante. While the validator is the set delegator of its own account, only the admin(s) can modify this delegation of power via x/poa. Validators can only go down the following ways:

Module Action
x/slashing downtime
x/slashing double sign
x/poa admin removal
x/poa self removal


Pending Validators

PendingValidators stores an array of PoA validator objects pending approval (from the admins) into the active set. This only is required after the chain has started.

For better UX, this is accomplished by wrapping the x/staking module's create-validator command with our own logic. Validators only have to modify the namespace of their create command (from tx staking create-validator -> tx poa create-validator) with all else being equal.

Previous Block Power

CachedPreviousBlockPower saves the previous blocks total consensus power amount for queries at Height + 1. It allows for safety checks on updating too much of the sets power resulting in broken IBC connections. Its protection can be passed by using the --unsafe flag in the set-power CLI command.

Absolute Changed Block Power

AbsoluteChangedInBlockPower tracks the per block modification in block power. It follows the absolute power difference a single block can change against the previous block power. Attempting to increase more than 30% of the validator set power (relative to last) will error.


  • Validator previous block set power is 9 (3 validators @ 3 power)
  • The admin increases validator[0] to 4 power (+11%)
  • The admin increases validator[1] to 4 power (+22%)
  • The admin increases validator[2] to 4 power (+33%, error)

The AbsoluteChangedPower of +1 to each validator is 3, which is 33% of the previous block power (3/9). It can be bypassed with the use of the --unsafe flag in the CLI command.



  "@type": "/strangelove_ventures.poa.v1.MsgCreateValidator",
  "description": {
    "moniker": "Validator Name",
    "identity": "",
    "website": "",
    "security_contact": "",
    "details": "description"
  "commission": {
    "rate": "0.100000000000000000",
    "max_rate": "0.200000000000000000",
    "max_change_rate": "0.010000000000000000"
  "min_self_delegation": "1",
  "delegator_address": "",
  "validator_address": "cosmosvaloper1addr",
  "pubkey": {
    "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
    "key": "pl3Q8OQwtC7G2dSqRqsUrO5VZul7l40I+MKUcejqRsg="

SetPower (admin only)

  • power is a micro unit of power (1,000,000 = 1 power) to derive a validators consensus power.
  • unsafe allows an admin to bypass the 30% of consensus power per block limitation.
  "@type": "/strangelove_ventures.poa.v1.MsgSetPower",
  "sender": "cosmos1addr",
  "validator_address": "cosmosvaloper1addr",
  "power": "12356789",
  "unsafe": true

RemoveValidator (admin only)

  "@type": "/strangelove_ventures.poa.v1.MsgRemoveValidator",
  "sender": "cosmos1addr",
  "validator_address": "cosmosvaloper1addr"

RemovePending (admin only)

  "@type": "/strangelove_ventures.poa.v1.MsgRemovePending",
  "sender": "cosmos1hj5fveer5cjtn4wd6wstzugjfdxzl0xpxvjjvr",
  "validator_address": "cosmosvaloper1efd63aw40lxf3n4mhf7dzhjkr453axurlv4rfe"

UpdateStakingParams (admin only)

  "@type": "/strangelove_ventures.poa.v1.MsgUpdateStakingParams",
  "sender": "cosmos1hj5fveer5cjtn4wd6wstzugjfdxzl0xpxvjjvr",
  "params": {
    "unbonding_time": "1209600s",
    "max_validators": 100,
    "max_entries": 7,
    "historical_entries": 7,
    "bond_denom": "stake",
    "min_commission_rate": "0.000000000000000000"

As the PoA logic is dependent on the x/staking module, the PoA module must be run before the x/staking modules BeginBlock logic. This is described in the integration guide.

When removing validators, the validator can not be instantly removed from the set and it required a few intermediate blocks.


A validator is removed by an admin at height H; it increases the minimum self delegation to current+1. This puts the bonded validator into Unbonding status when checked by the x/staking module in its BeginBlock (at H). The next iteration (H+1) the PoA module force updates the Unbonding validator to the status of Unbonded. The x/staking module then performs its BeginBlock logic and sets it as Unbonded. The validator is now deleted from consensus at H+2 in the PoA BeginBlock.


/poa/v1/pending_validators strangelove_ventures.poa.v1.Query/PendingValidators
/poa/v1/{consensus_power} strangelove_ventures.poa.v1.Query/ConsensusPower


A user can query and interact with the poa module using the CLI.


The query commands allow users to query the poa state.

# Get validators waiting to be added to the set
poad q poa pending-validators

# Get the current consensus power of a specific validator
poad q poa power [validator]

To get validator specific information such as commission rates, details, etc. use the x/staking module's query commands.

# e.g. validator, validators, params
poad q staking --help


The tx commands allow users to interact and update the poa state.

# Create a validator and add it to the pending set
poad tx poa create-validator path/to/validator.json --from keyname

# (admin) Remove a validator from the set and delete them
poad tx poa remove [validator]

# (admin) Modify the consensus power of a validator
# - validator is the bech32 address of the validator operator
# - amount uses 10^6 precision (1,000,000 = 1 power)
# - --unsafe flag allows for bypassing the 30% max change per block
poad tx poa set-power [validator] [amount] [--unsafe]

# (admin) Update the staking module params
# - unbondingTime is the time that a validator must wait to unbond (ex: 336h)
# - maxVals is the maximum number of validators for the active set.
# - maxEntries is the maximum number of unbonding delegations per validator (does not apply for PoA)
# - historicalEntries is the maximum number of historical entries stored per validator (does not apply for PoA)
# - bondDenom is the denom of the bond token (e.g. uatom)
# - minCommissionRate is the minimum commission rate a validator can set
poad tx poa update-staking-params [unbondingTime] [maxVals] [maxEntries] [historicalEntries] [bondDenom] [minCommissionRate]
