WordPress website for Site name. Hosted on AWS Single Cloud 1.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for how to deploy the project to staging and live environments.
Also see more detailed project documentation and the project license.
A step-by-step set of instructions that tell you how to get your local development environment running.
Clone repo:
git clone git@github.com:strata/strata_website.git
Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
Install project dependencies:
# Switch your version of Node to the correct version for this project (see `.nvmrc`)
nvm use
cd web/wp-content/themes/example
npm install
Build assets:
cd web/wp-content/themes/example
npm build
Watch for changes:
cd web/wp-content/themes/example
npm watch
Any details on configuration files required.
To make changes to code first work on a branch and create a Pull Request to merge changes into the main
All changes to the main
branch need to pass continuous integration tests (PHP linting, PHP code standards).
See workflow for more.
The site uses Deployer for deployment (installed via Composer). Please note if no branch is specified your current branch is used.
You should always deploy the main
branch to production.
./vendor/bin/dep deploy production --branch=main
Before deployment please check the currently deployed branch
./vendor/bin/dep deploy staging --branch=branch-name-to-deploy
Sync files from production or staging to your local development environment. These are setup in the deploy.php
see the sync task for more.
./vendor/bin/dep sync production --files=images
./vendor/bin/dep sync staging --files=images
- Apollo 2 - Front-end starter kit
- Alan Isaacson - Support Developer - Studio 24
- Simon Jones - Managing Director - Studio 24