Creates the required infrastructure to enalbe capistrano deployments. Things like creating a deploy user and ensuring proper group additions etc are made.
Add the use of the recipes to the node or include them via another cookbook. The recipes all draw their configs from a node['capistrano'] and node['apps'] attribs from the node / env.
knife data bag create users
knife data bag create users deploy
"id": "deploy",
"groups": [
"home": "/home/deploy",
"ssh_keys": [
"ssh-rsa PUBLIC-KEY-HERE",
Example: (node attributes)
"apps": {
"app_name_env": {
"databases": {
"mysql": [
"name": "db_name",
"user": "db_user_env",
"pass": "db_pass"
"apache": {
"vhost": {
"cookbook": "site_database",
"template": "vhost.conf.erb",
"docroot": "public/web",
"aliases": [ "", "", ""],
"is_canonical": false
To use the values, ensure the recipes that drive the servies are in the nodes run list somewhere, either directly on the node, or included via a site-cookbook recipe.
Example: node.json attribs
"run_list": [
Example: site cookbook recipe.rb
include_recipe "capistrano-apps::app_apache"
include_recipe "capistrano-apps::app_mysql"
include_recipe "capistrano-apps::app_crons"
# from here, the node attributes can be defined here or on the node
Configures the deploy user.
Ensures the deploy user owns a directory somewhere that acts as the root file system for apps deployed by that user (e.g. /opt/apps.)
Configures the relationship between deploy user/group and apache user/group. Also this recipe adds the vhosts as defined in the attributes.
"apache": {
"vhost": {
"cookbook": "custom_site_cookbook",
"template": "vhost.conf.erb",
"docroot": "public/web",
"aliases": [ "", "", ""],
"is_canonical": false
Creates the mysql databases defined in the attributes.
"databases": {
"mysql": [
"name": "db_name",
"user": "db_user_env",
"pass": "db_pass"
Creates memcache pools defined in the node attributes.
"memcache_pools": {
"sessions": {
"name": "sessions",
"port": "11211",
"memory": "16"
"doctrine": {
"name": "doctrine",
"port": "11212",
"memory": "8"
Creates cron jobs defined in the node attributes.
Note: Cron commands are altered to use the 'current' directory as the root.
Todo: Enable a cron to define it's root, so we don't need to depend on the 'app_directory' recipe.
"crons": {
"smsdelivery": {
"minute": "*/5",
"hour": "*",
"day": "*",
"month": "*",
"weekday": "*",
"action": "create",
"command": "php public/app/console smsqueuebundle:buffer:deliver"
"cronbundle": {
"minute": "*/5",
"hour": "*",
"day": "*",
"month": "*",
"weekday": "*",
"action": "create",
"command": "php bin/phing cron:run"
"apps": {
"appname_dev": {
"properties": {
"": "db_dev",
"database.user": "root",
"database.pass": "",
"": "cho",
"apache": {
"vhost": {
"docroot": "public/web",
"aliases": [
"is_canonical": false,
"canonical_domain": "",
"template": "",
"canonical_url": "",
"canonical_protocol": "https"
"databases": {
"mysql": [
"name": "app_dev",
"user": "root",
"pass": ""
"mysql_service": {
"server_root_password": ""
"apache": {
"server_ssl_listen_ip": "",
"listen": [