Using VisualSearch-JS SDK fashion websites can add visual search feature seamlessly into their website
What is Visual search in fashion:
Any fashion apparel/accessory that inspires an end-user, for example, that perfect summer dress he/she saw in a magazine or those shoes that the woman was wearing at the coffee shop, User can just take a photo and find products visually similar to those in your 'fashion website' using VisualSearch-JS SDK.
- Adding script in head tag
i['PiqitObject']=r;i['PiqitGa']=t;i['PiqitToken'] = k;i[r]=i[r]||function() {
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
})(window, document, 'script', 'LOADER-URL', 'PQT', 'GA TRACKER-ID', 'CLIENT TOKEN');
Add the below line of code(div) in your html source code wherever you want to see the visual search button. A search button will be automatically added in your website.
<div class="streamoid_sdk streamoid-visualSearch-button" data-token="CLIENT TOKEN" data-service="visualSearch" data-function="initialize"></div>
Please contact to get your LOADER-URL, CLIENT TOKEN, GA TRACKER-ID
User Flow
The below screenshots depicts user flow for Visual search feature