Requirements and C source files: Resolve definition markers from declarations markers
This release includes an enhancement to the feature for tracing requirements to C source code.
From now on, if a @relation
marker is specified in a C function declaration, StrictDoc will perform its "magic" and automatically connect the referenced requirement to the corresponding C function definition. This allows a @relation
marker to be placed in the main documentation block, typically located above C function declarations, while ensuring the requirement is also linked to the function definition.
What's Changed
- Bump version to 0.2.1 by @stanislaw in #1999
- backend/sdoc_source_code: recognize function declarations in .c and h files by @stanislaw in #2000
- backend/sdoc_source_code: make @relation backwards-compatible without the language parsing by @stanislaw in #2002
- backend/sdoc_source_code: C language: resolve definition markers from declarations markers by @stanislaw in #2003
- Code climate: backend/sdoc_source_code: rename parts -> functions by @stanislaw in #2005
- tests/end2end: disable HTML2PDF test on macOS for now by @stanislaw in #2006
- Code climate: remove unused pylint rule disabler by @stanislaw in #2004
- tests/integration: make the cache folder local to a test folder by @stanislaw in #2008
- Bump version to 0.3.0 by @stanislaw in #2010
Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.3.0