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Yet Another Tool - Vault

A CLI tool to manage application secrets, built with AWS SSM Support.

You can commit you configurations and encrypt your secrets, share the private key through AWS SSM Secure String and more !

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Table of Contents
  1. About
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Environment Variables
  5. Changelog
  6. Contributing
  7. License
  8. Contact


  • Generate Key Pair ('RSA')
  • Create Empty secret file using a template
  • Encrypt only your secure parameters
  • Store all your configurations and commit them encrypted
  • Use terminal editor and encrypt the changes automatically
  • Use external editor and encrypt the changes manually
  • Print the decrypted values on your screen
  • Upload your key pair on AWS SSM (Only AWS SSM is supported for the moment, create a PR for more integrations)
  • Sync your local configurations to AWS SSM
  • Generate a .env file using your secrets
  • Compatible with your CI, using the environment variables
  • Made with NodeJS 18 and Typescript, built to be extended and improved
  • Support override configurations and default values, it gives flexibility for local and cloud development setup. Provide simple way to standardize and use the same configuration across all machines and environments.


npm install -g @yetanothertool/yat-vault


Create new Key Pair

yat-vault --key-gen --key-name test

It creates a key pair named: Private Key: test.key and Public Key:

There is multiple ways to load the keys

Environment Variables

export PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat test.key | base64)
export PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat | base64)

or (Not Recommended)

export PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat test.key)
export PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat

secret file

Update the following keys to use your local key pair:

  • _configurations.publicKeyPath
  • _configurations.privateKeyPath

Update the following keys to use your AWS key pair:

    • This path must be a SSM path
    • This path must be a SSM path
    • This region must be the one containing the parameters

Create new Secret File

mkdir vault/
yat-vault --create --filename ./vault/test

# or to create it in the current directory
yat-vault --create --filename test

It generates an empty secret file named test.yml

The secret file structure

See the example directory.

The file is split in two main sections:

  • _values
  • _configurations

The _values section defined your values to save in the vault.
This is an array containing the parameter using this format:

  - name: /the/ssm/path/with/the/name/of/your/parameter
    value: The Value to store or encrypt
    description: an optional description
    type: String|SecureString|StringList
    overwrite: false
    envName: The environment key to generate the .env file

You can use a concept of variables to dynamically set the name of your parameter.
To do so you must define the key/value in the _configurations.variables array.

  - name: /{tenant}/{project_name}/{stage}/password
    value: my super password that will be encrypted
    description: password is safe here
    type: SecureString
    overwrite: false
    envName: The environment key to generate the .env file

    tenant: wl
    project_name: yat-vault
    stage: env:STAGE

The variables array contains the value for each key. They will be automatically replaced when syncing.
You can also use the environment variables.
You simply prepend: env: followed by the environment name.


This object has the regions array, it let you deploy quickly using the multi region approach. the variable {region} automatically resolves to the current region, this way you can specify the region in the parameter name if needed.

Variables within values and overrides:

This feature must respect a format: ${my_variable:-defaultValue} or ${my_variable}. Very similar to bash

Where my_variable is the name used in your overrides file (See the Example) and defaultValue is the value to use in case that the override file isn't present or the variable isn't overidden.

The :- it means that the left part is the variable name and the right part the default value. This flag is optional. If not define, there is no default value, thus the variable will stay as-is

Character allowed:

  • a-z and A-Z
  • 0-9
  • underscores ( _ )
  • I didn't test other characters. I know that dashes ( - ) WON'T WORK.

The goal of this feature is to let developers configure their local environment quickly and easily and still use the same configuration that the cloud (or deployed) infrastructure has. This way the setup is self documented and the configuration follows everywhere.

Edit Secret File

yat-vault --edit --filename test.yml

It opens vi to let you update your configuration, once you save the file, it automatically encrypt the new values.

As of V0.0.0, it doesn't refresh/encrypt everything if you change the key pair. DON'T change the key pair. You will get a weird behaviour.

Print Secret File Values

Be careful, this command expose all your secrets on your terminal !

yat-vault --print --filename test.yml --overrides config.local.json

It decrypts and prints all values on your screen.
The --overrides filename.json let you use the variables see above for more details

Encrypt Secret File

You don't have vi; You don't like vi; No problem.
This command encrypt your file.

yat-vault --encrypt --filename test.yml

Upload your Key pair

This command saves your key pair in AWS, using the configuration defined in the secret file. You must specify an AWS region (Currently, only AWS is supported)

yat-vault --upload --filename test.yml --region ca-central-1 --provider aws

This way your CI, developers and etc can use the secrets without sharing the password.

If you setup a passphrase, you will have to share it for now.

Sync Your local secrets to your provider

To sync your local values to the cloud

yat-vault --sync --filename test.yml

The overwrite option determines if you can overwrite the values in SSM.
This command is verbose to let you know what is going on.

Generate .env file

yat-vault --dotenv --filename test.yml --env .env.test --overrides config.local.json

The envName in the secret file, determines the Key of your parameter.
The --overrides filename.json let you use the variables see above for more details

Values and Variables - Overrides and Defaults

The simplest way to explain that feature is to look this example:

Then these commands:

yat-vault --print --filename example/vault.urls.yml --overrides example/local.config.json
yat-vault --print --filename example/vault.urls.yml
yat-vault --dotenv --filename example/vault.urls.yml --overrides example/local.config.json --env example/.env.local
cat example/.env.local
yat-vault --dotenv --filename example/vault.urls.yml --env example/.env.local
cat example/.env.local

It allows you to specify varibales with optional default values. Then you can define a JSON to set the values. For more details Create new Secret File

Environment Variables

Name Description
EDITOR Change the default editor ('vi')
DEBUG Print Error Stack Trace
PASSPHRASE Non interactive passphrase (CI)
PRIVATE_KEY Non interactive Private Key (CI)
PUBLIC_KEY Non interactive Public Key (CI)
FILENAME Equivalent to --file-name
KEYNAME Equivalent to --key-name
PROVIDER Equivalent to --provider
REGION Equivalent to --region
ENV_FILENAME Equivalent to --env
WITHOUT_QUOTES Remove double quotes around values for .env files
NO_TTY Skip Asking passphrase on terminal (only value true is supported)



V1.2.3 - Beta - 2023-07-12

  • Added concept of local variables (--dotenv) (to define environment variables only), this way it setup the local machine and skip the sync process while syncing with SSM (the --sync command).
V1.2.2 - Alpha - 2023-05-10
  • Tested default behaviour for overrides and defaults values
  • Add special characters in the regex
### V1.2.1 - Alpha - 2023-05-03
  • Improved CLI Output (Colors, status, messages, error handling)
  • Improve AWS Interactions and error handling when syncing values to AWS
  • Fixed issue when trying to update keys already stored in SSM.
### V1.1.0 - Alpha - 2023-04-26
  • Added new feature
  • you can specify variables within the values and load a JSON file to replace those values, plus you can specify default values
  • Documentation for the new feature
### V1.0.5 & V1.0.6 - Alpha - 2023-04-26
  • Improved passphrase handling
  • Bug fixed regarding the passphrase
### V1.0.4 - Alpha - 2023-04-08
  • AWS Configuration is optional
  • Bug fixes
### V1.0.3 - Alpha - 2023-04-08
  • Added new feature, generate .env file
  • Changed default values for aws ssm
  • Updated Documentation
  • Added print help
  • Fixes and Improvements
### V1.0.2 - Alpha - 2023-04-07
  • Reviewed Documentation
### V1.0.1 - Alpha - 2023-04-07
  • First requirements implemented
  • Deployed to npmjs


  1. Create a Feature Branch
  2. Commit your changes
  3. Push your changes
  4. Create a PR
Working with your local branch

Branch Checkout:

git checkout -b <feature|fix|release|chore|hotfix>/prefix-name

Your branch name must starts with [feature|fix|release|chore|hotfix] and use a / before the name; Use hyphens as separator; The prefix correspond to your Kanban tool id (e.g. abc-123)

Keep your branch synced:

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master

Commit your changes:

git add .
git commit -m "<feat|ci|test|docs|build|chore|style|refactor|perf|BREAKING CHANGE>: commit message"

Follow this convention commitlint for your commit message structure

Push your changes:

git push origin <feature|fix|release|chore|hotfix>/prefix-name


git checkout -b release/v1.15.5
git checkout -b feature/abc-123-something-awesome
git checkout -b hotfix/abc-432-something-bad-to-fix
git commit -m "docs: added awesome documentation"
git commit -m "feat: added new feature"
git commit -m "test: added tests"

Local Development

npm install
npm run build


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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