My Emacs config
- Relatively fast load time
- Start in evil-mode by default
- Well-setup for web development
- Most things 'just work' out of the box
In command mode, standard navigation works:
j - Down a line
k - Up a line
h - left by a character
l - right by a character
... etc
Evil mode doesn't work in some buffers like magit diff, so standard Emacs / Unix navigation will work:
C-n Next line
C-p previous line
C-a beginning of line
C-e end of line
C-f next character
C-b previous character
... etc
Defined in lisp/personal-keybindings.el
- Say 'Nice to meet you': C-n-m
- Say 'No problemo': C-c-n-p
- Say 'Affirmative': C-c-y
- Say 'Negative': C-c- -
- Say "I've been waiting for you": C-c-w
- Ace-jump: SPC
- Lookup word in dictionary: C-c l
brew install emacs --with-cocoa
brew install cask
git clone ~/.emacs.d
cd ~/.emacs.d
cask install
Launch emacs