And food delivery!
- Next.js - React framework
- Typescript - Types
- MongoDB - Database
- NextAuth - Authentication
- Telegram API - Bot for receiving orders
- Google Cloud Storage - For storing images
- TailwindCSS - CSS framework
- DaisyUI - TailwindCSS components
- Vercel - Hosting
├───.husky - used for pre-commit prettier formatting
├───.vscode - VSCode settings
├───public - static files
│ ├───[lang] - what normal visitors will see
│ │ └───checkout - checkout page
│ │ └───success - successful order page
│ ├───admin - admin panel
│ ├───api - API endpoints
│ │ └───auth - NextAuth endpoints
│ ├───order - order api
│ └───telegram - Telegram bot
│ ├───setup - sets up webhook
│ └───webhook - receives updates from Telegram
├───components - React components
│ ├───*name*.tsx - Basic layouts for components
│ ├───*name*Viewer.tsx - Viewer components
│ └───*name*Editor.tsx - Admin components
├───hooks - React hooks
├───lib - Things for interacting with external APIs
├───dictionaries - Dictionaries for translations
├───models - Mongoose models
└───utils - Utility functions
├───client - Client-side only
└───server - Server-side only
- MONGODB_URI - MongoDB connection string
- MONGODB_DBNAME - MongoDB database name
- NEXTAUTH_SECRET - NextAuth secret
- NEXTAUTH_URL - URL of where you host your website, i.e. or http://localhost:3000/. Is used in a lot more places than just NextAuth.
Google Cloud
- PROJECT_ID - Google Cloud project ID
- CLIENT_EMAIL - Google Cloud client email
- PRIVATE_KEY - Google Cloud private key
- BUCKET_NAME - Google Cloud bucket name
- TELEGRAM_TOKEN - Telegram bot token
- TELEGRAM_SECRET - Secret code that telegram will send with its webhook requests
- TELEGRAM_PASSWORD - Code that user needs to send to be registered as listener for updates
- RECAPTCHA_SECRET - Recaptcha secret