This application is a web crawler i.e. given a root URL, it all does crawl all web URL's within the root URL's domain and returns a HTTP response returning the textual link map and relations between them.
- Java 8+
- Spring Boot
- Maven Build - 3.3.9 version
- Jsoup (for HTML extractions)
- Mockito (for tests)
From Command Line:
- Make sure maven and java is installed and added to system path
- Run Command - mvn clean install
- Run Command - java -jar target/crawler-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar from the application root folder
From IDE (like IntelliJ)
- Import the project using pom.xml
- Run as SpringBootApplication/ Go to main class CrawlerApplication -> Right Click -> Run As
There are two API's defined in the controller. One is for healthcheck and another one is for crawling.
- Use any API client like "Postman" or can be directly run from the browser since these are GET requests.
- Check if the service is up and running : http://localhost:8086/api/ping
- Pass any URL to crawl API like for example: http://localhost:8086/api/crawl?url=
- Return the response in the format of JSON (each key mapping to list of adjacent links)
There are few configuration properties/settings for crawler defined in
- threadCount : This is to mention number of threads needed to intialize the executor service to run parallely.
- includeExternal: This flag is to include URL's outside the root URL domain during the crawling process
- maxTimeout: This property is the maximum timeout the call can wait to be polled from queue before ending the process.
- maxResults: This is to limit number of the results/keys in the textual sitemap response.
- A queue is maintained for all the links coming in order and to recursively crawl them once after the other (like breadth first search in a graph).
- A visited set is maintained to mark a link/URL as visited so as to not repeat the crawl process again once completed.
- A hashmap is maintain inorder to store the link URL and its adjacent links to return as output (similar to adjacency list representation of a graph).
- Crawling is processed by executor service tasks parallely based on the configuration parameters.