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Zero to CF in Kube-Cluster in 30 Seconds with Concourse, Helm, Fissile and Eirini

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Steffen Uhlig, IBM & Akshay Mankar, Pivotal

Track: Cloud Foundry for Business Experience Level: Beginner

Thursday, April 4 • 3:40pm - 4:10pm


Creating a new Cloud Foundry instance has never been easier. With the advent of Fissile and Project Eirini, deploying a new CF has become a matter of invoking a few scripts, fired from a command line.

The Eirini team took this even further with a 1-click approach. In this talk, we will share how we, with the press of a button, create a new Concourse pipeline that creates a new Kubernetes cluster, deploys Cloud Foundry to it, runs CATs, and hands it over to the requester.

We will present an approach to CI/CD that yields standardized development environments resulting in a shorter time to first deploy, with less confusion where to find important information about your environments. With our 1-click pipeline, your kube cluster with CF is not a pet anymore - if in doubt, you can kill and re-create it in seconds.

High-level Story

  • Audience

    • Architects
    • Operators
    • CF Developers
    • Developing on top of CF
    • NOT: application developers that just deploy to CF
  • Why would you want to do this?

    • You are developing a CF component
    • You are developing on top of CF, e.g. a tool
    • Test-drive
  • "The minikube-equivalent for CF"

  • Key thing to win: consistency

    • cookie-cutter approach to creating test environments
    • vagrant philosophy - repeatable dev envs
  • Where do we start?

    1. start with the end result and go back
    2. or: build it up

Start with the end result

Movie: In a terminal, someone types

`set-pipeline foobar`
  • wait a few minutes (fast forward)
  • come back after 15 minutes and see your CF deployed on k8s
  • look at the output of the last task and see all the important info:
    Welcome to your new deployment of SCF.
    The endpoint for use by the `cf` client is
    To target this endpoint run
        cf api --skip-ssl-validation
    Please remember, it may take some time for everything to come online.
    You can use
        kubectl get pods --namespace scf
  • in the video, show pods getting created just like the general Eirini demo
  • all config under version control
  • did not provide any custom values beyond foobar
  • save myvalues as state in git

Why did we do this?

  • easy setup of a new, rather complex pipeline
  • large team, do not step on each other's toes
  • pets vs. cattle
  • speed
  • "feature branch" pipelines
  • quick onboarding of new team members
  • change stuff once, apply "everywhere"


  • master gets cf-pushed to a staging space
  • releases gets cf-pushed to the production space


  • Took around 20 minutes in total
  • We should provide more details about what exactly happens in our pipeline (not just "there is a magic pipeline").
  • Some in the audience did not know much about SCF and Eirini yet, maybe we can add some details about those upfront
  • Mention more prominently that this is ibmcloud-only so far