SciSpark is a scalable scientific processing platform that makes interactive computation and exploration possible. This prototype project outlines the architecture of the scientific RDD (SRDD), and a library of linear algebra and geospatial operations. Its initial focus is expressing Grab em' Tag em' Graph em' algorithm as a map-reduce algorithm.
The full installation procedure for SciSpark can be found here.
#Getting Started
The steps to getting started with a simple SciSpark example can be found here.
#Running the test
The steps to running the SciSpark test suite can be found here.
#API SciSpark documentation can be found at https://scispark.jpl.nasa.gov/api/
#Grab em' Tag em' Graph em' : An Automated Search for Mesoscale Convective Complexes
The initial application of SciSpark is to scale the Grab em' Tag em' Graph em' algorithm. More about GTG can be found here.
##Want to Use or Contribute to this Project? Contact us at scispark-team@jpl.nasa.gov