This project implements a bare-bones http server. It responds to the http requests coming over TCP/IP with appropriate resources or error messages.
This program uses multi-thread design. Main thread creates a socket and listens for connections. A new task is started for each new connection. Requests from all of the connections are pushed into a concurrent message que. A message handler runs in a separate thread which receives messages from the message que in First-In-First-Out manner and responds to those messages.
- Clone this repository from
- Go to the project directory
- Use "make build" command to create an executable
- From project directory, use "build/web_server 54000" command to start the server. You should get a message in console saying "listening on ip: and port:54000"
- Go to a web browser and type this url: "http:localhost:54000". You will receive the index.html page in your web browser.
- The project contains some static pages by default. You can replace them with your own.