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Creating A Manifest

arcadiafalcone edited this page Jun 3, 2019 · 5 revisions

Creating A Manifest

  • In addition to the object sub-folders, every content directory must contain a manifest.csv file with two columns, with the column headings: druid | object . An example would be:
  • The druid column contains the druid for each object, while the object column contains the name of the object sub-folder associated with that druid. In this example, since the folders are named with the druid, it looks a little confusing. To be more generic about it, the model is:
  • The purpose of this manifest is to allow the code to match up the digital record (via the druid) with the staged content. Any data entry errors in the manifest will cause an error in the Discovery Report process.
    • Hint: avoid blank lines and hidden formatting characters in your manifest for best results.
    • Another hint: Make sure to save your manifest as a plain UTF-8 csv - we have found that other formats (Macintosh Comma Separated, MS-DOS Comma Separated, files containing Windows-formatted line breaks, etc.) can cause problems.

TIP: Because of the issues above, some users have found it helpful to create their manifests in Google Sheets rather than in Excel

  • It is also possible to generate the manifest from a list of druids via the command line. With a file called druids.txt containing one druid per line in the current folder: sed 's/\(^.*$\)/\1,\1/' <druids.txt >>content/manifest.csv This will generate a file called manifest.csv within the content folder, but without the druid,object header, which needs to be added to the file manually.