##Dataset details: Department Data Definition: department id, department name
Employee Data Definition: emp id, first name, last name, age
Emp Finance info: emp id , ctc, basic, pf, gratuity
Emp Dept info: emp id, department id
- create 5 department(IT, INFRA, HR, ADMIN, FIN)
- Write Code to generate 1000 Emp data(unique first name), with age between 18 - 60
- Write code to generate emp finance info for each emp with CTC between 10,000 - 100,000, basic 20% CTC, PF 10% of basic, gratuity 5% of basic
4)Distribute these 1000 emp to 5 departments, 500 emp works in 2 dept, rest 500 in 3 dept.
- Write a program to find emp with age > 40 & ctc > 30,000
- Write a program to find dept with max emp with age > 35 & gratuity < 800
#How to run Java: com.java.scogen.EmployeeDataMain is the starting point, you can run that class and see the results on console Scala: com.scala.scogen.EmployeeDataMain is the starting point, you can run that class and see the results on console