Releases: suncloudsmoon/Traveler
Added Main Menu and Tree GIF
In this release, there is a good looking main menu along with the help and settings option! Also, there is the tree cutting animation in the game, which means that when you try to cut the tree, the animation will show up! Lastly, I have refined the Wanderer algorithm to not include sideways movement and made sure they walk and stop at appropriate locations!
Added Random Movements for Wanderer
This release added some good functionality for the Wanderer! Basically, the wanderer continuously moves from one place to another!
Basic Game
This release has the basic components of what I call a simple game! Currently, there is a main character called "Trader", medium-sized huts, and small trees that can be cut down into logs! Note that this release may contain a lot of bugs, which may cause the program to crash subsequently!