Lightweight, simple, production ready HTTP server for static file serving.
# Download the archive
$ curl -L "$(uname -s)_$(uname -m).tar.gz" -o serve.tar.gz
# Extract the binary
$ tar xfv serve.tar.gz
# Run the software
$ ./serve -h
# You can install it globally
$ mv ./serve /usr/bin/serve
If the installation fails, it probably means your OS/arch is not suppored.
Please check the output of echo "$(uname -s)_$(uname -m)" in your terminal and see if it's available on the GitHub release page.
Here's the help message :
$ serve -h
Usage of http_server:
-addr string
The address to listen to.
-port string
The port to listen to.
-prefix string
The URI prefix path.
-root string
the directory to serve files from.
Launch a HTTP server to serve files in the current directory :
$ serve -root . -port 8080
Launch a HTTP server to serve files in the public
directory :
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/public:/app/public:ro -p 80:80 sundowndev/serve -root public
version: '3.7'
container_name: serve
restart: on-failure
image: sundowndev/serve:latest
command: "-root ./public"
- ./fixtures:/app/public:ro
- "80:80"
This project is MIT Licensed.