This repo is deprecated, please use koa-i18next-middleware.
A middleware to use i18next in koajs.
install dependencies
npm install koa-i18next
const koa = require('koa')
const i18next = require('i18next')
const Backend = require('i18next-sync-fs-backend') // or i18next-node-fs-backend
const koaI18next = require('koa-i18next')
backend: {
// translation resources
loadPath: path.resolve('./locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'),
addPath: path.resolve('./locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.missing.json')
preload: ['zh', 'en'], // must know what languages to use
fallbackLng: 'en'
const app = koa()
app.use(koaI18next(i18next, {
lookupCookie: 'i18next', // detecting language in cookie
* Detecting language in path params, need third part route middleware.
* Example
* path: `/api/:lng/hello
lookupPath: 'lng',
lookupFromPathIndex: 0, // detecting language in path, like `/api/zh/hello` which `zh` is the language and the index is 1
lookupQuerystring: 'lng', // detect language in query,
lookupSession: 'lng', // detect language in session
* support querystring, cookie, header, session, path
* default order: ['querystring', 'cookie', 'header']
order: ['querystring'],
next: true // if koa is version 2
// koa@1.X
app.use(function* (next) {
this.body = {message: this.t('lalala')}
Support for:
- querystring
- cookie
- header
- session
- path
If you don't config this, it will use ['querystring', 'cookie', 'header'] as default detecting order.
// order and from where user language should be detected
order: ['querystring', 'cookie', 'header'/*, 'path', 'session'*/],
// keys or params to lookup language from
lookupQuerystring: 'lng',
lookupCookie: 'i18next',
lookupSession: 'lng',
lookupPath: 'lng',
lookupFromPathIndex: 0,
// if koa is v2
next: true
you can use i18next in koa middleware, as:
this.t('balabala', options)
arguments are all supported. i18next.t
inspired by i18next-express-middleware
If needed, you can serve the translations with the resources middleware.
As Koa doesn't come with built-in routing system, you'll have to handle the request path matching by a routing library or by specifying a path in the options.
const koaI18next = require('koa-i18next')
// Exemple without router
app.use(koaI18next.getResourcesHandler(i18next, {path: '/locales/resources.json'}));
// Exemple with koa-router
app.get('/locales/resources.json', koaI18next.getResourcesHandler(i18next));
Requesting /locales/resources.json?lng=en&ns=fr
will return the translations of the common
namespace of the en
Note: Multiple languages and namespaces are supported.
Available options (with default) are :
// Serve resources only if ctx.path match given path (handle every request by default)
path: false,
// Where to look for lng & ns parameters on the context (query, params, ...)
propertyParam: 'query',
// Name of the lng param
lngParam: 'lng',
// Name of the ns param
nsParam: 'ns'
inspired by i18next-express-middleware
You can handle missing keys with the Missing Keys middleware. It'll need the bodyparser
in order to get the submitted missing translations.
const koaI18next = require('koa-i18next')
// Exemple without router
app.use(koaI18next.getMissingKeysHandler(i18next, {path: '/locales/add'}));
// Exemple with koa-router'/locales/add', koaI18next.getMissingKeysHandler(i18next));
Posting on /locales/add?lng=en&ns=common
with an array of missing message as body will perform a save missing for the common
namespace and the en
Available options (with default) are :
// Handle request only if ctx.path match given path
path: false,
// Where to look for lng & ns parameters on the context (query, params, ...)
propertyParam: 'query',
// Name of the lng params
lngParam: 'lng',
// Name of the ns param
nsParam: 'ns'