Convert html to text, filter html tags, purify html. Best and most advanced html to text conversion library for php.
Used Htmlpurifier
"ezyang/htmlpurifier": "dev-master",
"sunra/html_to_text": "dev-master"
to required section in you composer.json
// Total remove tags. br converted to new lines
$plain_text = \Sunra\HtmlToText\HtmlToText::plain_text( $html );
// removed all tags but safest 'br,b,strong,li,ol,ul'
$safe_html = \Sunra\HtmlToText\HtmlToText::safe_html( $html );
// remove unsafe code (XSS attacks) and heals html - close tags etc
$purified_html = \Sunra\HtmlToText\HtmlToText::purify( $html );
// Remove all tags but allowed (coma separated - for example 'br,b')
$purified_html = \Sunra\HtmlToText\HtmlToText::filter( $html, $allowed_tags );