This package is derived from
A utility library implementing the Result and Either monads in TypeScript.
npm install @sunrabbit123/monad-util
# or
yarn add @sunrabbit123/monad-util
import { Ok, Err, Result } from '@sunrabbit123/monad-util';
// Success case
const successResult: Result<number, Error> = Ok(42);
console.log(successResult.unwrap()); // 42
// Error case
const errorResult: Result<number, Error> = Err(new Error('Something went wrong'));
console.log(errorResult.unwrapErr().message); // 'Something went wrong'
// Chaining
const chainedResult = => value * 2).andThen((value) => Ok(value.toString()));
console.log(chainedResult.unwrap()); // '84'
import { Left, Right, Either } from '@sunrabbit123/monad-util';
// Left case
const leftValue: Either<string, number> = Left('Error message');
console.log(leftValue.isLeft()); // true
// Right case
const rightValue: Either<string, number> = Right(42);
console.log(rightValue.isLeft()); // false
// Using Either in a function
function divide(a: number, b: number): Either<string, number> {
if (b === 0) {
return Left('Division by zero');
return Right(a / b);
const result1 = divide(10, 2);
const result2 = divide(10, 0);
console.log(result1.isLeft() ? 'Error' :; // 5
console.log(result2.isLeft() ? : 'Success'); // 'Division by zero'