Some MOOC providers do not (or didn't) offer an option to host course completion certificates. Because of this and because I like having things in one place too, I host my certificates here myself.
- Gamification (verify)
- Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management (verify)
- Algorithmic Toolbox (verify, project)
- Advanced Management Training Program 2019
- Note that this is an instructor issued certificate for the Complete Management Skills Certification Course (2019) Udemy course listed below.
- Building a Team from Scratch: Recruit, Hire, Onboard, & more (verify)
- Leading Effective 1-on-1 Meetings: Win loyalty and retention (verify)
- The Complete Management Skills Certification Course (2019) (verify)
- Lean Leadership, Lean Culture & Lean Management (verify)
- Leadership: Leading When You Are Not In Charge! (verify)
- Effective Delegation (verify)
- Servant Leadership (verify)
- Design Thinking Crashkurs (verify)
- Grundlagen des Innovationsmanagements (verify)
- Prozessmodellierung mit BPMN 2.0 (verify)
- Robotics Software Engineer (verify)
- Sensor Fusion Nanodegree (verify)
- Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer Nanodegree (verify)
- Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree (verify)
- Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation (verify, project)
- First Principles of Computer Vision Specialization
- High Performance Coding with .NET Core and C# (verify)
- Software Architecture & Technology of Large-Scale Systems (verify)
- 3D Procedural Mesh Generation Fundamentals in Unity (verify, project)
- Unity 5 Build a System that Generates Houses & Castles (verify, project)
- Unity 2D Random Dungeon Generator for a Roguelike Video Game (verify, project)
- Create a 3D Endless Runner from Scratch in Unity (verify, project)
- Pathfinding in Unity (verify, project)
- The Ultimate Guide to Unity Design Patterns (verify)