This project contains the build recipes and associated scripts used to create the ATSE used on the Astra Supercomputer and its associated testbeds. These recipes are initially based on OpenHPC ( However, ATSE also includes many modifications to meet the unique requirements of Astra, including extended support for Arm compilers, HPE-MPI, and micro-architecture optimizations.
ATSE is distributed under an Apache 2.0 License with approval from Sandia National Laboratories
The ATSE stack has undergone significant improvements prior to public release. Please review the CHANGE LOG for more details.
Building this version of ATSE requires a properly configured Open Build Service ( server. Configuring OBS is complicated and beyond the scope of this initial README. The OBS ATSE script is provided as an example of how to bootstrap a new OBS ATSE project using the package recipes in this project.
For more information regarding container versions of ATSE, please reference the associated Astra README for more information.
The environment conditions were gathered on an open machine with similar hardware to Astra using the SC20 Author Kit's environment collection script. ( The results are in mayer_envionment_output.txt.