This is a bot consuming DSteem and SteemJS API. The bot will comment on the post of users that used #cn-malaysia without fulfilling the prerequisite set.
Current Version: v2.0.0 License: MIT
- The post must at least contains 20% of chinese words, or else, the bot will comment on the post.
- Whitelisted list.
- A data.json is generated to store data of a post in case the bot had already commented.
Library used
- 'steem'
- 'dsteem'
- 'typescript'
- 'dotenv'
- 'nodemon'
Create a .env
to store your posting key and username.
Change variables in config.ts
Starting the server for development npm run dev
I did not use babel or any minify work flow
For production, I would suggest using PM2 Library. (Install with npm install -g pm2
Then, run pm2 start src/index.js