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A method for calculating scaling laws for LLMs from publicly available models

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Final Report: Crowd Sourcing Scaling Laws

Ryan Felix & Addison Hanrattie

CMSC 473/673: Capstone in Machine Learning

Tom Goldstein, PhD Fall 2023


As the training corpus for large language models continues to expand, it becomes increasingly important to train these models in a compute-optimal manner. Non-optimal training strategies suffer from unwieldy computational costs, diminishing returns in performance, and an adverse environmental impact (Lacoste et al., 2019; Strubell et al., 2019). Neural scaling laws are a useful tool for combating the imbalance of training data and model size (Bahri et al., 2021; Kaplan et al., 2020). These represent mathematical rules that depict the relationship between the model size, the volume of training data, and the resultant performance. In the context of LLMs, these relate testing loss to the number of model parameters and training tokens.

The exigency of neural scaling laws has been recognized by several research teams who have attempted to demonstrate that compute-optimal models outperform those that are “over-trained” for their model size or “under-trained” for their training dataset. For example, in Hoffman et al. 2022 the Chinchilla model is developed and its ability to outperform similar models, such as Gopher, are attributed to its superior compute-optimal training strategy (Hoffmann et al., 2022). Currently, scaling laws have been elucidated by empirical means, and mathematically represented by simple parametric fits of few parameters. In these fits, the test-set loss to be minimized, $L(N,T)$, is a function of the number of parameters, $N$, and the number of training tokens, $T$ (Hoffmann et al., 2022; Maloney et al., 2022).

$(Eqn.\ 1)\ \ \ L(N,T) = \ E + \ \frac{A}{N^{\alpha}} + \ \frac{B}{T^{\beta}}\ $

Where, A, B, α, β, are all constants fit to the empirical data. As you can see from this formulation, if $N \gg T$, the loss becomes dominated by the amount of training data. Likewise, when $T\ \gg \ N$, the lack of model parameters provides the prevailing limitation on loss minimization. This suggests that as either $N$ or $T$ increase, the other should be increased proportionally to prevent compute imbalances. In the case of the 2022 Hoffman study, the authors investigate the scaling of several LLMs. Specifically, GPT-3, Gopher, and Megatron-Turing NLG. Their investigations suggest that all these large, openly accessible models deviate from their compute-optimal training based on either model parameters or training tokens.

Despite performing several robust analyses of LLM scaling behavior, many studies neglect other hyperparameters in their parametrization of testing loss. For example, the batch size, optimizer choice, learning rate, among other critical model-development characteristics are not included in the scaling fit. Furthermore, most studies focus on comparison of models within an order of magnitude of one, which overlooks whether these laws continue to hold up for modern language models with vastly different orders of magnitude.

Here we pursue more generalizable models of scaling laws, spanning a larger range of parameters and tokens, and investigating the effects of hyperparameters. In part, our approach aims to allow the broader LLM community to contribute new model results, such that the accuracy of our scaling laws improves over time. Ultimately, we hope that our efforts will allow future LLM manufacturers to reduce non-optimal usage of compute, thus saving on wasted computational time and effort, reducing needless energy expenditures, lowering overall training costs, and providing a benchmark for achieving specific model performances.


Data Abstraction

To accomplish our goals, we first set out to collect information from open-source language models developed by prominent & reputable manufacturers who published their model weights, training amounts and corpus composition, as well as quantitative hyperparameter values. The common data sources were Hugging Face and model announcement whitepapers or websites. We were successful in collecting data from over 40 different models ranging in size from 44 million parameters up to 180 billion and trained on anywhere from 2.2 billion to 3.5 trillion tokens. A full list of models and abstracted data are described in our Appendix.

Evaluation Metrics

Following data abstraction tasks, we worked to incorporate a simple evaluation metric to compute the losses of each model. Each evaluation dataset was downloaded first from HuggingFace and then the first 5000 strings from each dataset were saved locally in pickle files after reformatting them to reduce calls to HuggingFace.

The standard evaluation metric we utilized was perplexity, effectively a probabilistic assessment of how well the model predicts the next token in the set given the previous tokens. Perplexity was computed using the following formulation:

$(Eqn.\ 2)\ \ \ \ \ Perplexity(X) = exp\left{ - \frac{1}{t}\sum_{i}^{t}\log p_{\vartheta}\left( x_{< i} \right) \right}$

where, Perplexity(X) refers to the perplexity of an entire sequence of t tokens, computed as the sum of the log probability of each individual token in the sequence, where i represents the ith token. Perplexity has a number of advantages to other ways of evaluating models. Firstly, it is objective and can be agreed upon by everyone for a given string of tokens. Following this perplexity is also fairly straightforward to calculate and thus allows us to fit our laws to the largest available LLMs. Perplexity is also proportional to the loss which dictates how models are updated during training. Finally, perplexity is the colloquially accepted way to calculate scaling laws in large part due to those benefits. However, it does suffer from a couple limitations, most notably, it may not relate well to intuitive human evaluations of what the next-best token should be.

At the time this paper is being written we have finished implementing code to calculate the perplexity on the C4 dataset. This code can be found on our GitHub however it mainly is a few calls to some lightly modified code from the HuggingFace libraries to allow for our specific use case. We still need to fine-tune the code used to calculate the perplexity for the ORCA perplexities. We have code which can properly calculate the perplexities right now, however, it is inefficient as it calculates the perplexity for the whole string rather and then throws at those corresponding to the prompt rather than solely calculating the perplexity for the answer text.

Model Fitting

Our initial model fitting was agnostic to hyperparameters and utilized the methods of Hoffman et al. 2022. In brief, a direct fit of Eqn. 1 is hindered by computational overflow, thus requiring reformulation as a LogSumExp:

${(Eqn.\ 3)\ \ \ \ \ L}{pred.}\left( N{i},T_{i} \right){i} = LSE\left( a - \alpha log\left( N{i} \right),\ b - \beta\log log\ \left( T_{i} \right)\ ,e \right)$

The true losses were calculated as described above in Equation 2. We then performed a minimization of the Huber loss, wherein this robust-to-outliers loss was represented by the difference between the predicted loss in Equation 3, and the true loss (Eqn. 2) from experimentation:

$(Eqn.\ 4)\ \ \min_{a,b,\alpha,\beta,e}\sum_{i}^{}{Huber}{\delta}\left( L{pred.}\left( N_{i},T_{i} \right) - L_{exper.}\left( N_{i},T_{i} \right) \right)$

This minimization was performed using the L-BFGS-B method, a Huber delta of 10-3, and an initialization grid for all fit constants. Cross-validation was utilized in a 10-fold-10 manner to improve the generalizability of the fit, and the final model was selected as the validation result with the highest coefficient of determination. Our secondary model fit incorporated model hyperparameters and therefore required reformulation of Equation 1.

For the C4 side that was completed we were able to run the model on a majority of the LLMs which were less than 3B parameters. It is our hope that we will be able to obtain more powerful computers which we could then run the larger model such a Falcon-180B on. If we are not able to obtain access to more powerful we will likely use our own machines for such large models however that will mean a much longer compute time.

Dissemination of Results

Our results are publicly available to the broader machine learning community via our Github repository. It is our hope at the end of this project will support the compute-optimal training of future machine learning models, and we encourage those who find it useful to provide their LLMs and training information such that we can continue to improve the scaling laws presented here.

GitHub Repository:

Link to model data: LLM Data


Bahri, Y., Dyer, E., Kaplan, J., Lee, J., & Sharma, U. (2021). Explaining Neural Scaling Laws (arXiv:2102.06701). arXiv.

Hoffmann, J., Borgeaud, S., Mensch, A., Buchatskaya, E., Cai, T., Rutherford, E., Casas, D. de L., Hendricks, L. A., Welbl, J., Clark, A., Hennigan, T., Noland, E., Millican, K., Driessche, G. van den, Damoc, B., Guy, A., Osindero, S., Simonyan, K., Elsen, E., … Sifre, L. (2022). Training Compute-Optimal Large Language Models (arXiv:2203.15556). arXiv.

Kaplan, J., McCandlish, S., Henighan, T., Brown, T. B., Chess, B., Child, R., Gray, S., Radford, A., Wu, J., & Amodei, D. (2020). Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models (arXiv:2001.08361). arXiv.

Lacoste, A., Luccioni, A., Schmidt, V., & Dandres, T. (2019). Quantifying the Carbon Emissions of Machine Learning (arXiv:1910.09700). arXiv.

Maloney, A., Roberts, D. A., & Sully, J. (2022). A Solvable Model of Neural Scaling Laws (arXiv:2210.16859). arXiv.

Strubell, E., Ganesh, A., & McCallum, A. (2019). Energy and Policy Considerations for Deep Learning in NLP (arXiv:1906.02243). arXiv.


A method for calculating scaling laws for LLMs from publicly available models







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