“Xin chào” is a Vietnamese greeting that means “hello” in English. It's a polite way to say hello, and is often used when greeting the elderly or someone you admire.
XinChào is a minimal Swift Package enabling communication between iOS + macOS. It provides simplified
-friendly wrappers around NWListener + NWBrowser from Apple's Network framework.
Send messages between iOS + macOS devices running on the same Wifi. AKA Bonjour
Add the following values to your targets' info.plist
<string>The app needs to access devices on your local network to send messages.</string>
📚 Network
Contributions and feedback are welcome! 🧑💻👩💻
Here are a few guidelines:
- You can open an Issue or raise a PR 🤝
- Commit messages should contain emojis ❤️ and be signed 🔏
should be linear 🎋