SwiftUI ScrollView monitoring content position and adding a 'SnapTo' alignment
This example was to investigate how to build a ScrollView
could track its content's position and 'snap' the contents on a fixed interval
or window of size N. If we have 100 items to scroll and a window size of 5, we
want to see 5 items at a time with the leading item being i % N = 1. There is
always a model.selection
as it is a
@Published var selection: Int
. One could easily make this optional
with a few changes.
There are many good examples of building a PreferencKey
to track
child View geometries. The one used here is very similar. The change events
are managed with a Publisher
and debounce
of .2 seconds.
This allows us to pause before snaping the alignment.
self.originPublisher = self.origin
.debounce(for: .seconds(0.2), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
The View containing the ScrollView
utlizes Task with async/await
to compute the alignments and keeps commands on the @MainActor
to perform the
and be sure that we have 1) the proper leading item
and 2) the following N-1 items visible before passing control back to the
app logic. In the View:
.onChange(of: model.selected) { v in
Task.detached {
while await model.notShowing() {
async let showing = model.doScrollSnap(proxy)
if await showing {
try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 100000000)
And in the model:
func setupSubscription(_ proxy: ScrollViewProxy) {
subscription = originPublisher.sink { [unowned self] v in
let target = self.snap()
withAnimation {
proxy.scrollTo(target, anchor: .leading)
let mod = selected % N
let pos = mod == 0 ? N - 1 : mod - 1
if selected != target + pos {
selected = target + pos
Some onAppear
and onDisappear
are used to activate
observation (subscription to preference change events) and to update a
model.visibleItems : [Int:Bool]
Code at github