All my codes done in the DSA Course during the second semester at IIIT Bangalore.
#Codes Explanation
Here I have put different codes for all the assignments I did in the DSA Course :
Friends_of_Friends - A sample file is given where each person has been represented as a number. If in a command line argument a person number is given I have to give all its friends. But the definition of friend here is different. If 1 has friends 2 and 3 then friends of 1 are also friends of 2 and 3 and so on.
Tribonacci - Finding f(n)=f(n-1)+(n-2)+f(n-3) where n is a 1000 digit integer and f(n-1), f(n-2), f(n-3) are given.
Segment_tree - Finding the Maximum or Minimum or Sum within a given range of an array indices implemented in C code.
AVL_tree - Inserting , Searching and Deleting a number in an AVL Tree implemented in C code.
Graph_Traversal - Implementation of Graph Traversal through BFS (Breadth First Search) , DFS (Depth First Search) , Djikstra's Algorithm and Prims Algorithm. Sample files are given in the form of Edge List (also weights are given necessary for Djikstra's and Prims algorithm).