HTML5 | CSS3 | Javascript | React.js | Redux | Redux-thunk | Redux-Persist | Axios | JsonWebToken | Node.js | Mongodb Mongoose | express.js | Multer | Cloudinary | Bcrypt | Cors | Dotenv | Razorpay
-- Node.js version : v20.10.0 -- React-router : v6.20.1
|----- backend/
| |----- config/
| | |----- db.js
| |----- controllers/
| | |----- productController.js
| | |----- userController.js
| | |----- adminController.js
| | |----- paymentController.js
| |----- middleware/
| | |----- authorization.js
| | |----- multer.middleware.js
| |----- models/
| | |----- addressmodel.js
| | |----- blacklistmodel.js
| | |----- cartmodel.js
| | |----- ordermodel.js
| | |----- paymentmodel.js
| | |----- productmodel.js
| | |----- reviewmodel.js
| | |----- usermodel.js
| | |----- userUpdatemodel.js
| | |----- wishlistmodel.js
| |----- public/
| |----- temp/
| |----- routes/
| | |----- productRoutes.js
| | |----- userRoutes.js
| | |----- adminRoutes.js
| | |----- paymentRoutes.js
| |----- utils/
| | |----- cloudinary.js
| | |----- admiCloudinary.js
| |
| |----- index.js
| |----- pakage-lock.json
| |----- package.json
|----- frontend/
| |----- public/
| | |----- index.html
| |----- src/
| | |----- Admin/
| | | |----- Component/
| | | | |----- Adminnavbar/
| | | | |----- Books/
| | | | |----- Electronics/
| | | | |----- Shoes/
| | | | |----- UserCard/
| | | |----- Pages/
| | | | |
| | | | |----- Addproducts/
| | | | |----- Dashboard/
| | | | |----- Productupdate/
| | |----- assets/
| | |----- Component/
| | | |----- BookCard/
| | | |----- CartProduct/
| | | |----- Category/
| | | |----- Footer/
| | | |----- Hero/
| | | |----- Loader/
| | | |----- MobileCard/
| | | |----- Myorder/
| | | |----- Navbar/
| | | |----- Offer/
| | | |----- PartLoader/
| | | |----- Private/
| | | |----- Profile/
| | | |----- ShoeCard/
| | | |----- Today/
| | |----- Config/
| | |----- Context/
| | |----- Pages/
| | | |----- About/
| | | |----- Books/
| | | |----- Cart/
| | | |----- Home/
| | | |----- Login/
| | | |----- Mobile/
| | | |----- Mypurchase/
| | | |----- Product/
| | | |----- Reviews/
| | | |----- Shoes/
| | | |----- Signup/
| | | |----- Wishlist/
| | |----- Redux/
| | | |----- LoaderReducer/
| | | |----- ProductReducer/
| | |----- App.css
| | |----- App.jsx
| | |----- index.js
| | |----- package-lock.json
| | |----- package.json
|----- .env
| secret = "Your Secret"
| PORT = 4500
| salt_rounds = Number range
Mastercard Domestic 5267 3181 8797 5449
Visa Domestic 4111 1111 1111 1111
|----- http://localhost:4500/ || Your Server URL
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/user/register
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/user/login
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/user/logout
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/user/settings
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/user/profile_picture/:id
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/user/products/review/:id
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/user/update_profile_info
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/user/update_address_info
|----- http://localhost:4500/ || Your Server URL
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/products/products
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/products/product_details/:id
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/products/wishlist/add_product
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/products/wishlist/get_products/:id;
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/products/wishlist/remove_product/:id
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/products/cart/add_to_cart
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/products/cart/get_cartdata/:id
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/products/cart/remove_cart_items/:id
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/products/reviews/get_all_reviews
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/products/reviews/delete_review
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/products/category/:category/page/:pagenumber
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/products/category/:category/subcategory/:subcategory/page/:pagenumber
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/products/order_details
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/products/purchase_items
|----- http://localhost:4500/ || Your Server URL
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/admin/alluser
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/admin/add_product
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/admin/update_product
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/admin/delete_product
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/admin/products/:category
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/admin/product_details/:id
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/admin/update/product_image
|----- http://localhost:4500/api/admin/dashboard/counts
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/get_key
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/accept_payment
|---- http://localhost:4500/api/payment_verification
-- User registration.
-- User login.
-- User logout.
-- User settings.
-- User profile picture upload/update.
-- Product review submission for a specific product.
-- Update user profile information.
-- Update user address information.
-- Retrieve all products.
-- Retrieve details of a specific product.
-- Add a product to the wishlist.
-- Retrieve wishlist items for a specific user.
-- Remove a product from the wishlist.
-- Add a product to the cart.
-- Retrieve cart data for a specific user.
-- Remove items from the cart.
-- Retrieve all product reviews.
-- Delete a product review.
-- Retrieve products by category and page number.
-- Retrieve products by category, subcategory, and page number.
-- Retrieve order details.
-- Purchase items.
-- Retrieve payment key.
-- Accept payment.
-- Payment verification.
-- Pagination
-- Pagination Navigation
-- Category Filtering
-- Sorting by Price
-- Filtering by Price Range
-- Checkbox Handling/filtering
-- Token Blacklisting
-- Retrieve all users.
-- Add a new product.
-- Update product information.
-- Delete a product.
-- Retrieve products by category.
-- Retrieve details of a specific product for admin.
-- Update product image.
-- Dashboard: Retrieve counts of various entities (e.g., users, products).