Releases: sureshlazaruspaul/MEPS-data-extraction
Extract Medical Expenditure Panel Survey's Household Consolidated Data Files using Stata
This code downloads the datasets between the years 1996 and 2019 to the "C:\MEPS\DATA" directory by remotely running the Stata scripts that are published in the MEPS website.
There is no need to manually download Stata codes for each year and execute locally.
Data for the years 1996 to 2019 is extracted in ASCII format (.dat), and data for the year 2019 and onwards is directly extrcated as STATA dataset format (.dta).
Should you require codes for individual years, they are available at the following link:, where
are yearly dataset names. For example, for 2012, it ish155
Log files are produced for each year of data extraction in the same destination directory - "C:\MEPS\DATA".
For more details, see
Suggestions or corrections, let me know at