A Qt QML running environment and examples explorer app.
- Common (DynamicalCreate, Font, Image, Singleton, Syntax, Thread, Tool)
- Effect (Animation, Canvas, GraphicalEffect, Particles, Shader)
- KeyMouseTouch
- MultiDensity
- Multimedia (Sound, video)
- Network ( Ajax, XmlListModel, WebSocket)
- Qt3D
- Storage
- Styles
- UI (Basic, Dataview, Layout, Pages, WindowsDialog)
- UnitTest
- Charts
- Effectors
- Gauges
- Views
- Components
- Popup
- PageView
- TabView
- ListViewEx: drop down to reflesh, drag up to load more
- ParallaxView
- SliderView
- TreeView
- Shader
- SwipeMouseArea
- ImageMouseArea
- JsonListModel
- ...
- Clock
- Dial
- Docker
- ImageCropper
- LiveTile
- NotePad
- Painter
- RoundMenu
- ....
When I restarted this project several months ago, I moved all qml files into .qrc files. I can run qml file by QmlScene, it's ok. However, when I build and run it, It cannot run normally. It often meet error: failed to create object, xxx is not a type. It may be some IO limit when dynamic creating qml object from .qrc. Should I change all "import SomeQmlComponent" code to "import qrc:\xxxxx"? It's a horrible work. Anyone can help me?