Aim to simulate MCB (Multichannel Beacon Protocol) using standards Mac 1609.4 and IEEE 80211p
Mac OS El Capitan 10.11.6, Omnet++ 5.0, SUMO 0.25.0, Veins 4 alpha 2, Inet 2.5
- Simulation to mimic MCB protocol, it is subclassing from veins framework -
- Open source vehicular networks framework with some added logging for debugging -
- Extracts extracts data files per metric record, per simulation file. A file is generated and stored in results_per_metric/
Go inside simulation folder
$ cd vanets/
Open terminal window
$ ./ -vv -c sumo-gui
Go to omnetpp IDE (eclipse)
Select the file [/vanets/src/omnetpp.ini]
green button with arrow
at the top to run -
On the pop up window, Select the
config file to run
. The description is on title -
run button
on top left corner (NOTE: I usally do express because it is faster)
- Click on
stop button
- Click the
button with the flag
to conclude simulation - Clicking the flag will finish the simulation and generate the result files under