- Platform: node v12.13.1
- Framework: express
- Database: mysql with knex
- Testing: chai, mocha and istanbul
- Deployment: docker and travis
- AWS: ECR, ECS, EC2, RDS and ElasticCAche
Postman API doc url - https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/2216605/SW11WyYA
Check DB Schema design - (public/db-design.pdf)
Code coverage -
APIs are divided in three types
Users -
- post.register: create a user
- get.fetch.id: get user data by user id
- post.login: login for user
- post.logout: logout for user
- post.permission: admin can add various roles to user
- post.role: admin can add new roles to system e.g. customer, admin or seller
- post.seller: convert a user to seller
Products -
- post.category: admin can create a product category like kitchen
- post.add: seller can add product
- get.fetch.id: get product details by product id
- put.update.id: seller can update product details by product id
- delete.item.id: seller can remove product details by product id
- put.readd.id: seller can re add a deleted product by product id
Orders -
- post.create: create a defult order.
- get.order.id: get order details by order id
- put.order.id: update order details by order id
- post.addToCart: add any item into a cart.
- get.activeCart.id: get details of users cart by user id
- get.cart.id: get details of any cart by cart id
- delete.removeFromCart: delete items from cart
- post.ship: create shipment of order
- get.ship.id: get shipment details by shipment id
- put.ship.id: update shipment details by shipment id
- post.warehouse.id: admin can create a warehouse whihc will be attached to product and seller
API response - (public/README.md)
- download dependencies - node, redis, mysql and docker (optional)
- Add host details in .env file oresent at root folder
- run npm i -g knex to download knex node module in your system.
- run knex:migrate latest to run migrattion which will create mysql tables whose schema is present uder /migrations folder.
- run npm i to install node dependencies
- finally run npm start to fire the app.
- hit login to get a session and start using APIs.
- hit npm test to check test cases
- Create a Redis in AWS from ElasticCache and SQL database from RDS.
- Create user permission and make sure to keep all in same permission group.
- Create a key value pair and download it in local.
- Create docker image at local and push it to ECR repository.
- Create a ECS Cluster. Create a task and assign the ECR repository to it with docker tag. Also, you can environment variables here. Attach task to the cluster.
- You can use EC2 public IP to hot the server. MAke sure to add RDS and redis environment variable to the task.
- Login to awsc-cli using this key -> ssh -i <key_name>.pem ec2-user@ and you can check status of docker and container.