Inspired By Andrej Karpathy work.
Description: This project use the char-rnn model where
- layer of LSTM =3 with units=256
- Dropout Probability = 0.2
- Final Dense layer with units = Number of vocabs=90
Here i use stateful=true in each LSTM layer since it help to maintain long term dependencies in each sequence. If stateful=false
you can use whole file at a once to train.
# to read batches created
def read_batches():
cur_index = 0
steps_per_epoch = len(x) // BATCH_SIZE # x is whole text data in a vector
while True:
if(cur_index + BATCH_SIZE) > len(x):
cur_index = 0
batchRange = range(cur_index, cur_index + BATCH_SIZE)
X = np.asarray([x[i,:,:] for i in batchRange])
Y = np.asarray([y[i, :] for i in batchRange])
cur_index += BATCH_SIZE
yield X, Y
The following 3 files are used mainly as: ==> Used to generate the predicted new text of the given length i.e in this case is Nepali Poem. ==> Used to create the model of the Network ==> Used to train the model.
Here due to `stateful=true` in lSTM, it should be follow as train in Batch.
This project you can also use with English text Generation. For eg: Joke large text > 1MB data to generate the new Joke text based on Char-RNN model.
The Model Summary in Keras is shown below:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
lstm_1 (LSTM) (128, 60, 256) 355328
dropout_1 (Dropout) (128, 60, 256) 0
lstm_2 (LSTM) (128, 60, 256) 525312
dropout_2 (Dropout) (128, 60, 256) 0
lstm_3 (LSTM) (128, 256) 525312
dropout_3 (Dropout) (128, 256) 0
dense_1 (Dense) (128, 90) 23130
Total params: 1,429,082
Trainable params: 1,429,082
Non-trainable params: 0
You can also use Embedding layer on top of LSTM as embedding every character as Dense Layer to improve accuracy but not much seem as improvement. Like this:
model.add(Embedding(vocab_size, units, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, seq_len)))
The char-RNN model is here used to generate the Nepali Poem written by Adikabi "Laxmi Prasad Devkota" who is pioneer in Nepali Literature.
- n_vocabs = number of unique characters appear in the whole text i.e 90
- seq_length = sentence length to be taken set as 60
- Batch_size = the number of sentence text that is pass to the model at once i.e set as 128.
Predicted Text
खरिद प्यार मासुकी !
ए गर्त ! यौनप्यासकी !
ए पुत्तली विनाश
रेशम चुल्यो !
बादल भन्छौ तिमी नै बिरामी,
आत्मा बस्छन् किन ? प्राण !
निश्चल, स्वर्ग भै सारा !
नेपालीको कालो कुस्की, त्यो प्राण !
के तिम्रो सुनको र म पापी भन्छन् ।
कसरी गइन् ती मेरी आमा, तिम्लाई छाडेर,
कसरी गइन् बिचरीलाई
सुनको बारी,
मुनाको बाटो बुझेका आँखा रसाई बिरामी,
कुइरी दिदी ! चीतनले भन्छिन्, “दैवले हुँदैन,
म आएँ आए समय निदाइ सुनको रामा ।
कलिलो बस्छौ सारा भएको बेलामा बल्दछ,
हे मेरी आमा ! म हाम्रा मेरी ! म आएँ
See on the predicted.txt file for more
The model is run for only 21 epoch take me 5 hours in 940MX 2GB Nvidia GPU. The loss and accuracy untill 21 epochs is: Loss:1.364 , Accuracy=61%. Train it for more than 40 epochs as loss is nearly 0.20 that can give perfect output of the model.
Tips to Increase Accuracy of the Model
- The dataset should be well formated and arranged.
- Increase Size of dataset minimum >1MB of text .
- Use More Layer of
to deeper understanding but aware of model overfitting. - Use more Epoch untill loss is very minimum.